to be of an exhaustive nature, primarily because detailed treatment is probably one for the Czechoslovak historian, but also by reason of the fact that an exhaustive presentation is out of the question until Foreign Relations, published by the Department of State, is brought down to date.
This short description is an attempt to present what is available at the present time and to record material which otherwise might be overlooked.
The question of terminology presented certain difficulties. It is not uniform even now. But the reader will appreciate that prior to the war Czechs were known, in the United States, as Bohemians, and that Slovaks are that part of the now united nation, which, before the establishment of the present republic, was subject to the Magyar rule of Budapest.
Beside the work of Thomas Capek, Czechs (Bohemians) in America, the following publications are either quoted or referred to in the text: The State, by Woodrow Wilson (D. C. Heath & Co., Publishers); Addresses and Messages of Woodrow Wilson (Boni & Liveright, Modern Library), edited by Albert Bushnell Hart; The Life and Times of Cavour, by William Roscoe Thayer (Houghton-Mifflin Co., Publishers); and Z boje za svobodu otciny, by Francis Sindelar (National Alliance of Bohemian Catholics, Publishers). Grateful acknowledgment is made of permission and opportunity to make use of these sources.
Special acknowledgment is due Dr. A. H. Putney, formerly Chief of the Near East Division of the State Department, for authority to make use of his still unpublished memorandum, Slavs of Austria-Hungary.
Washington, D. C.