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Page:America in the Struggle for Czechoslovak Independence (1926).pdf/84

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Section 11. Other Slavs of Austria-Hungary.
Section 12. Strategic importance of the Jugo-Slav territory from the economic and commercial standpoints.
Section 13. The controversy between Serbs and Bulgarians.
Section 14. The Italian Jugo-Slav controversy.
Section 15. Dualism in Austria-Hungary and its relations to the Slavic problem in the Empire.
Section 16. The question of the possibility of justice for the Slavs under the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
Section 17. Arguments in favor of the United States giving support to the aspirations of the Slavs of Austria-Hungary.

The first chapter, discussing the “Importance of the Problem of the Slavs of the Austro-Hungarian Empire,” among other things maintains:

There are some problems the solution of which is a matter of sentimental rather than practical importance, and there are national and racial ambitions the attainment of which would be of great value to some particular country or race, but which are matters of little importance to the United States or to the world at large. On the other hand, there are questions, the settlement of which will have a far-reaching effect upon the future peace of the world and the security

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