Page:American Anthropologist NS vol. 1.djvu/148

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has been supplanted by his “Alphabetic List of the Native Tribes of the Philippines,” published in the Berlin Zeitschrift für Erdkunde, 1890, with an important supplement in the same journal for 1893. The study of this list is indispensable to everyone who would acquaint himself with Philippine ethnography, and it ought to be translated and republished by our government. Under the title Las Razas del Archipélago Filipino, an early rescript of it, with a map, was printed in the Boletin of the Geographical Society of Madrid, in 1890.

Of articles of general ethnologic interest I may mention one on the census of the individual tribes (Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, etc., 1890); on the ancestor worship and religious opinions of the Malayan tribes (Mittheilungen of the Geographical Society of Vienna, 1882); on the proper names of the natives and their significance in a religious sense (Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, 1894); and on the governments of the native village communities (Globus, 1881).

The Negritos.—Concerning these aborigines, who are ethnographically most interesting, Professor Blumentritt’s articles furnish much information. Their language is discussed from missionary sources (Bijdragen, etc., 1896); those dwelling in Limay are described (Ausland, 1883), and those of Baler (Mittlieilungen of the Geographical Society of Vienna, 1884); their condition at the period of the conquest is set forth from the most authentic records (Deutsche Rundschau, 1884); recent observations upon them are summarized (Berlin Zeitschrift für Erdkunde, 1892); those of the province of Pampanga, Luzon, are described (Globus, 1882, and Mittheilungen of the Geographical Society of Vienna, 1893); those farther north are enumerated (Globus, 1884); a general article on them appeared later (Globus, 1885), and various brief notices occur in other numbers of the same journal.

Wild Tribes of Northern Luzon.—The name “Igorrotes” is applied by Spanish writers in a vague way to many wild tribes.