��Abercromby (John). The pre- and proto-historic Finns both Eastern and Western, with the magic songs of the West Finns. 2 vols. London, 1898, D. Nutt. 8°.
Aletrino (A.) Twee opstellen over crimineele anthropologic Amsterdam, 1898, 6, 130 p. 8°.
Angiolella (Gaetano). Manuale di antropologia criminali ad uso dei med- ici, e degh studenti di medicina e giu- risprudenza. Milano, 1898, F. Vallardi, 327 p. 8°.
Annechino (Raimondo). Divinita criminale. Roma, 1898, Capaccini. 8°.
La stampa e la psicosi suicida e
criminale. Roma, 1898, Capaccini. 8°.
Anoutchine (D. N.) [The Arme- nians from an anthropologic and geo- graphic point of view.] Russian text. Moscow, 1898, 13 p., 2 pi. 8°.
Archiv fttr (Criminal- Anthropologic und Kriminalstatistik. Mit einer Anzahl von Fachmannern hrsg. von Dr. Hanns Gross. I. Bd., 1. Hft. Leipzig, 1898, F. C. W. Vogel, 136 p. 8°. (F.) Umanesismo e social- ismo. Parte I. Pitigliano, 1898, 83 p. 8°.
Bernaldo de Qniros (C.) Las nuevas teorias de la criminalidad. Ma- drid, 1898, 357 p. 8°.
Billerbeck (A.) Der Sandschak Su- leiman ia und dessen persische Nachbar- landschaften zur babylonischen und assyrischen Zeit. Leipzig, 1898, £. Pfeiffer. 8°.
Blakeborough (R.) Wit, character, folklore and customs of the North Riding of Yorkshire. London, 1898, H. Frowde, xxii, 485 p. 8°.
Blanckenhorn (Max). Das Tote Meer und der Untergang von Sodom und (iomorrha. Berlin, 1898, D. Rei- mer. 8°.
��Bliss (F. J.) Excavations at Jerusalem, 1894-7. London, 1898, 390 p. 8°.
Boas (Franz). Introduction to tradi- tions of the Thompson River Indians of British Columbia. [Reprint.] Bos- ton, 1898, 18 p. 8°.
Boggiani (Guido). Etnografia del site Paraguay. [Bol. Inst. Geog. Argent] Buenos Aires, 1898. 8°.
Bolsius (H.) Darwinians. [R#r* from: Stud. op. godsd., wetensch. en letterk. gebied, xxx.] Utrecht, 1S98.
Borel (H.) De Chineesche filosofie toegelicht voor nietsinologen. Lao Tsz . Amsterdam, 1898, 6, 219 p. 8°.
▼on Brandt (M.) Die chinesische Philosophie und der Staats-Confuci- amus. Stuttgart, 1898, Strecker ft Moser, 121 p. 8°.
Brinton (Daniel G.) The linguistic cartography of the Chaco region. [Re- print.] Philadelphia, 1898, 30 p., t map. 8°.
A record of study in aboriginal
American languages. Media, Pa., 1898, 24 p. 8°.
Cagnat (Rene). Une mosaYque de Carthage representant les mois et les saisons. [Mem. Soc. nat. des antiq. de France, lvii.] Paris, 1898, 22 p., 1 pi. 8°.
Caland (W.) Een Indogermaansch lustratie gebruik. [Versl. en MededeeL Koninkl. Akad. v. Wetensch.] Am* sterdam, 1898. 8°.
Comparetti (D.) The traditional poetry of the Finns. Transl. by I. M. Atherton. Introduction by Andrew Lang. London, 1898, Longmans & Co. 8°.
Coptic psalter, the earliest known. The text in the dialect of Upper Egypt. Edited by E. A. Wallis Budge. Lon- don, 1898. 8°.
��1 Continued from the American Anthropologist for December, 1898.
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