Page:American Anthropologist NS vol. 1.djvu/221

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��[n. s., i, 1899

��des restes humains provenant des sepul- tures neolithiques des environs de Lau- sanne. Bull. Soc. vaudoise d. sc. nat., Lausanne, 1898, 4. s., xxxiv, 1-62. Also, Reprint.— Schmidt (E.) Die Rekon- struktion der Physiognomie aus dem Schadel. Globus, Brnschwg., 1898, lxxiv, 307-310. — Schooling (J. H.) Crime. Pall Mall Mag., Lond., 1898, xv, 240 ; 346 ; xvi, 101 ; 237. — Schuhmacher. Formosa und seine Gebirgsbewohner. Petermann's Mitt. a. J. Perthes' geog. Anst., Gotha, i8q3, xliv, 222-226. — Schwarsbach |(B. B.) The power of sight of natives of South Africa. Brit. M. J., Lond., 1898, ii, 1731. — Scott (J.) Stray notes on Corean history and litera- ture. J. China Branch Roy. Asiat. Soc, Shanghai, 1898, n. s., xxviii, 214-232. — Seger (H.) Der Fund von Wichulla. SchTesiens Vorzeit, Bresl., 1898, vii, 413- 439, 1 pi. — Seler (E.) Der Codex Bor- gia. Globus, Brnschwg., 1898, lxxiv, 297 ; 315.— Sharp (B.) Rock inscriptions in Kauai, Hawaiian Islands. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., 1898, 203-205.— Shrub- sail (F.) Notes on Ashanti skulls and crania. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1898-9,

n. s., i, 95-103, 1 pi., 1 tab. A study

of A-Bantu skulls and crania. Ibid. , 55- 103. 1 pi., 3 tab. — Simms (J.) Brain weights and intellectual capacity. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y., 1898, lvi, 243-254. — Skertchly (S. B. J.) Ethnography of leprosy in the far East. Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensland, Brisbane, 1898, xiii, 1-22. — Stockman (R.) Arrow poisons ; their history, sources and constituents. Pharm. J., Lond., 1898, 4. s., vii. 548; 5S5. — Sapex* (C. \V.) The original home of the Aryans. Am. Antiquarian, Chicago. 1898, xx, 353-357- — Sashtshinsfci (P. G.) [Plan of a school of criminal an- thropology.] Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1898, No. 6, 2. sect., 501 ; No. 7, 2. sect., 530. — Tarde (G.) Les transformations de l'im-

? unite. Arch, d'anthrop. crim., Lyon & ar., 189S, xiii, 61 5-631.— Thilenius(G.) Nordwest-Polynesier. Globus, Brnschwg., 1808, lxxiv, 313-315.— Tooker (VV. W.) Indian place names. Am. Antiquarian,

Chicago, 1898, xx, 372. The Swastika

and other marks among the eastern Al- gonquins. Ibid. , 339-349. — Tylor(E. B.) Remarks on totemism, with especial refer- ence to some modern theories respecting it. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond., 1898-9, n. s., i,

138-149. On the totem-post from the

Haida village of Masset, Queen Charlotte islands, now erected in the grounds of

��Fox Warren, near Weybridge. Ibid. % 133-

135, 1 pi. On two British Columbian

house-posts with totemic carvings, in the Pitt- Rivers Museum, Oxford. Ibid. % 136, 1 pi. — Vermeersch. Au pays des Bari- bas. Bull. Soc. de geog. com. de Par., 1898, xx, 147-153, 1 map. — Verneta (R.) & Bipoche (D.) Les sepultures gallo-romaines et merovingiennes de Ma- reuil-sur-Ourcq (Oise). Anthropologic, Par., 1898, ix, 497-530.— Virsaladse (S. S.) [On popular medicine in general and especially on trephining among the mountaineers of Daghestan.] Vestnik obsh. hig., sudeb. i prakt. med., St. Petersb., 1898, No. 9, 2. sect., 697-702. — Walde (A.) Zur Besiedelung Tirols durch illy- rische Stamme. Mitth. d. k. k. geog. Gesellsch., Wien, 1898, xli, 477-491. — Walker (G . W . ) Notes on the aborigi nes of Tasmania, extracted from the manuscript journals of * * * , with an introduction by James B. Walker. Papers & Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania, 1897, Hobart, 1898, 142-175.— Walker (G. T.) On boome- rangs. Phil. Tr., 1897, Lond., 1898, cxc, 23-41. — Warren (E.) An investigation of the variability of the human skeleton : with especial reference to the Naquala race discovered by Prof. Flinders Petrie in his explorations in Egypt. Phil. Tr. 1897, Lond., 1898, cxc, 135-227, 1 pi. — Wil- liams (F. H.) Prehistoric remains of the Tunxis valley. Am. Archseol., Columbus, 1898, ii. 57: 87; 146; 176; 200; 257; 293. — Williams (Josephine) Religious ideas of the ancient Egyptians. West- minster Rev., Lond., 1898, cl, 655-669. — Williams (T.) Was primitive man a modern savage? Rep. Smit hson . Inst., 1896, Wash., 1898, 541-548.— Wilmarth (A.) The rights of the public in dealing with the defective classes. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. 1898, xxxi, 1276-1278. — Wilson (Sir R. K.) Should the personal laws of the natives of India be codified ? Imp. & Asiat. Q. Rev., Woking, 1898, 3. s., vi, 225-249.— Wilson (T.) Art in prehistoric times. Am. Arcbaeoi., Colum- bus, 1898, ii, 281-283. Also-. Proc. Am.

Ass. Adv. Sc., Salem, 1898, 456-459.

Classification of arrow points, spearheads or knives. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc, Sa- lem, 1898, 464-470. Prehistoric musical

instruments. Ibid., 459-464— Witt (R. C.) An experiment in colonization. Black- wood's Mag., Edinb., 180S, clxii, 788- 795. — Wolbarst (A. L.), Provenee (D. M.) & March (C. J.) The color of negro babies. Med. News, N. Y., 1808, lxxiii, 844.— Wood (C.) Witchcraft.

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