Page:American Anthropologist NS vol. 1.djvu/308

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The writer was unable to examine the fetishes of the Honani and Asa clans, who met in the two Sitcomovi kivas. It was re- ported that they have no altars in the Soyaluna, but a study of their fetishes will shed important light on the nature of the rites introduced into Tusayan by these clans. Tcoshoniwa is chief in one of these kivas. 1

Pocine, chief of the Tewakiva, belongs to the Nan-towa, or Sand clan, and is the elder son of Pocilipobi. Pufisauwi, his uncle, is Pocilipobi's brother. As the kimonwi or village chief of the Tewa colonists, when they came into Tusayan, belonged to the Sand clan, we may suppose this altar to be hereditary in this family.

Anote, the chief of the Mohkiva of Hano, is the oldest man of the Sa-towa or Tobacco clan. Satele, who assisted him in making the altar, is a member of the Ke or Bear clan. Patufitupi, who was present when the altar was made at Hano, belongs to the Kolon or Corn clan.

The Winter Solstice Ceremony

The T&ntai or Soyaluna ceremony of the East Mesa in 1898 extended from December 9th to the 19th inclusive, and the days were designated as follows :

9th, Tcotconyunya ( Tcotconya)^ Smoke assembly. 10th, Tccele tcalautih, Announcement, nth, Cus-fa/a, First day. 1 2th, Lue-tala, Second day. 13th, Paie-tala, Third day. 14th, Yunya, Assemblage. 15th, Sockahimd.

��1 Tcoshoniwa is generally called by a nickname, Tcino, " Bald-head," or ** Curly- hair," a sobriquet to which he strongly objects. He is one of the oldest men of Si- tcomovi, belongs to the Patki clan, and was formerly the kimonwi or governor of Sitcomovi. Hani, of the Piba (Tobacco) clan, is political chief of Walpi ; and Anote, also of the Piba clan, is chief of Hano. All the pueblos have kimonwis or governors, and the office dates from early times ; but these pueblo chiefs have no authority over pueblos other than their own.

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