Page:American Anthropologist NS vol. 1.djvu/363

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��[n. s., i, 1899

��tone, and its one movement is to a tone belonging to the nearest related chord :

No. 15. SOUTH SEA ISLANDS. Cannibal Song:.

���I obtained at the same place the Fiji war dance which fol- lows. It implies a major and its relative minor chord, only here the center of gravity seems to be on the minor and not on the major chord :


���The following war song I recorded in the Dahomey village. Before each of the war dances which I there witnessed, a warrior stood forth and sang ' a short solo, apparently addressed to the head-chief, who was seated near the orchestra. These solos in- variably consisted of repetitions of a single phrase, sometimes modified and sometimes not. One of them was made up of this phrase :


���It contains the tonic chord and also A, the tone which, with C and E, would make the relative minor chord of the tonic. It offers another illustration that when the tones move off the line of the tonic chord they move on to the line of a chord nearly related to the tonic.

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