darity " in political economy. When they assist one another by doing unlike tasks, as do the men who are managing the skids, and the men who are fitting the logs at the corners, and the men who are driving the oxen, their method of cooperation is some- times called " division of labor." Hence cooperation is accom- plished as solidarity and as division of labor.
For the purpose of cooperation men unite in associations, sometimes only for temporary purpose, but often for a more per- manent purpose. When such persons unite for an indefinite length of time, which may be for years or even for generations, the association is known by a fiction of legal expression as a " perpetual person," and hence it is often said of some corpora- tions that they never die.
In sociology a corporation consists of a number of persons who associate themselves for a common purpose to secure solidarity and division of labor.
Incorporation has its reciprocal in organization. When we affirm that a body of men constitute a corporation, we imply that they are organized ; if we affirm that they constitute an organiza- tion, we imply that they are incorporated. The same body of men constitute an incorporation if we consider the purpose of solidarity, or they constitute an organization if we consider the purpose of division of labor.
The body of a man is incorporated as a body : but the body it- self is differentiated or specialized into organs, as the term is used in physical science ; or its parts exhibit division of labor, as the term is used in social science. Thus three terms are used in the sciences to express the same concept — differentiation, specialization, and division of labor. In treating of sociology it would be better to use the term specialization of labor rather than division of labor, and the term integration of labor rather than solidarity of labor.
We must now show the distinction which must be made between social incorporation and organization, and physical in- corporation and organization. In man the many organs are
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