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Page:American Anthropologist NS vol. 1.djvu/665

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Cameroon Dwarf People — The Bula expedition has brought back information about a dwarf people in the Hinterland of Cameroons. Their height varies from forty-nine to sixty-three inches ; some of them plainly exhibit a mixture with other races, whereby their stature has been raised. These dwarfs are said to be skilful hunters, and diligent in collecting indiarubber which they sell to the neighboring tribes. They dwell in families, constantly wandering about in the thick forest, and carefully avoiding much frequented caravan routes. — Deutsche Rundschau, Jahrg. xxi, Heft 2.


It is learned from Science that arrangements have been made for the establishment of an anthropological museum at the University of Aberdeen. Several collections have already been presented to the University.

Band I, Heft I, of the Zeitschriftfur Morphologic und Anthropologic ; edited by Professor G. Schwalbe, has recently made its appearance at Stuttgart, Germany.

The Saxonv government is to erect a new museum building at Dresden, and the Director of the Museum, Dr A. B. Meyer, with the architect, Professor Wallot, will visit the United States this autumn for the purpose of studying the museum buildings of this country.

The Soci^te* Scientifique de Chevtchenko a L£opol (Lemberg, Austria) has issued the first volume of its MaUriaux pour V ethnologic ukraino-ruthcnc under the editorship of Th. Volkov.

Mr A. C. Harrison, Jr., Mr W. H. Furness, and Dr H. M. Mil- ler are making preparations for an expedition to northern Burmah for the purpose of collecting ethnological and archeological specimens for the University of Pennsylvania.

A special session of the International Congress of Orientalists, which meets at Rome, October 12th next, will be devoted to researches concerning the origin of the American Indians. Papers on this subject from students of American anthropology will be welcome.

The Peabody Museum at Cambridge, it is reported, has received from the heirs of the late Moses D. Kimball a valuable collection of archeological and ethnological specimens.

■fl The first number of an archeological magazine has recently

appeared at Prague, Bohemia, under the title Vestnik Slovanskych Starozytnosti. Prof. L. Niederle is the editor.


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