constitute a middle class, as merchants, artisans, farmers, and soldiers. In this class also there is a tendency to differentiate the people by their occupation into hereditary groups as guilds, so that the man inherits the occupation of his father. An ex- treme development of guilds results in the development of caste. In caste, intermarriage between groups is forbidden ; the higher castes become sacred, while the lower castes are held by the higher castes as unclean, and not only is intermarriage prohib- ited, but many other social functions cannot be carried on in common.
The failure of lineal descendants in the monarchy leads to disputes over the succession, and dynasties are often changed. The same fact appears in the successions which occur in the ranks of the nobles. Sometimes these successions become a matter of interest to the crown, so that the monarch often takes part in determining successions, thus rewarding his friends and punishing his enemies. Throughout the stage of monarchy great armies are organized, and sometimes successful command- ers arise, and such commanders are rapidly promoted into the ranks of the aristocracy. Sometimes successful warriors become ambitious even for supreme rule, and may overthrow the reigning dynasty to usurp its wealth, honor, and power. Thus hostile dynasties are produced.
We have now presented a meager and perhaps inadequate account of that stage of society which we call monarchy ; but the hope is entertained that the characterization has been sufficient to make plain how kinship society is transmuted into territorial society, while yet the principle of kinship with authority and privileges with the elder remains only in the governing groups as an aristocratic body.
Tribal governments are almost pure democracies, if we under- stand by that term that leadership and measures of government
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