McGee as councilor, and Robert Clarke, Frank Russell, and George Grant McCurdy, with J. McK. Cattell and M. H. Saville (both ex-officio) as sectional committee, and Amos F. Butler as representative of the section in general committee. The more general work of the section comprised (1) memorial proceedings on the death of Dr Daniel G. Brinton ; (2) presentation and dis- cussion of a report of the Association committee on the White Race in America, which was forwarded and adopted by the As- sociation at Large; (3) an informal report on the winter meeting held in New York in December, 1898; (4) decision to hold a win- ter meeting during the Christmas holidays of 1899 at a point to be selected by the sectional committee (a decision subsequently ratified by the council of the Association); (5) appointment of a committee to promote anthropologic teaching in universities.
The committee on the White Race in America consists of J. McK. Cattell, W. W. Newell, W J McGee, and Franz Boas. The report summarized previous work, and recommended the acquisition of anthropometric apparatus, to be used for making standard measurements of members of the Association in attend- ance at the meetings to such extent as might be found expedient, proposing an appropriation for the purpose.
A small appropriation was made by the council of the Asso- ciation to defray the cost of printing in connection with the winter meeting, which will probably be held in New Haven, in connection with the American Society of Naturalists and the American Folk-lore Society.
The committee on anthropologic teaching in universities, ap- pointed subsequent to the meeting, consists of W J McGee of the Bureau of American Ethnology, George Grant McCurdy of Yale University, and Frank Russell of Harvard University.
Of the twenty papers introduced in the program of the section,
but one related exclusively to somatology ; this was an elaborate
I illustrated communication by Dr Frank Russell, entitled " A
Comparative Study of the Physical Structure of the Labrador
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