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��762 AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGIST [n. s.. i, 1899

quarrying tools and of quarry products in various stages, from raw material to finished implement, with examples of wastage and rejectage at each stage. Another valuable contribution was an account of the " Prehistoric Settlement, Big Kiokee Creek, Columbia County, Georgia," by Dr Robert Steiner (presented by Vice-president Wilson), the paper being based on the Steiner col- lection of aboriginal material, now in the National Museum, which is of large interest as a practically exhaustive collection from a typical district of aboriginal occupancy. Of related sub- ject were " Evidences of Ancient Prehistoric Man in the Maumee River Basin, " by Dr Charles E. Slocum; " The Latest Discoveries of Traces of Glacial Man at Trenton, New Jersey, and the Light Thrown upon them by a Comparative Study of the Gravels of the Delaware and Susquehanna Valleys," by G.F. Wright, and " Rec- ollections of M. Boucher de Perthes/' by Vice-president Wilson.

Naturally, sociology was represented mainly in the Section of Social and Economic Science, finding expression in a number of important papers, among which may be enumerated " Natural Distribution as Modified by Modern Agriculture," by John Hyde ; " Trusts : a Study in Industrial Evolution," by H. T. Newcomb ; 44 Moral Tendencies of Existing Social Conditions," by Wash- ington Gladden; "Science and Art in Social Development," by John S. Clark, and " The Manual Element in Education," by C. M. Woodward.

Sophiology was developed especially in " The Cherokee River Cult," by James Mooney, and " Allan Stevenson's Trance," by Dr Robert Steiner, and incidentally in " The Beginnings of Mathe- matics," by W J McGee (printed on pages 646-674 of this num- ber) ; while some of the papers in the Section of Social and Economic Science were of related import.

Of somewhat general character were the papers before the anthropologic Section on "The Scientific Societies and Institu- tions of the United States," by Dr Cattell, and the " Extent of Instruction in Anthropology in Europe and America," by

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