Page:American Anthropologist NS vol. 1.djvu/863

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branch of study, which is itself of universal interest. The president M. Alexandre Bertrand, curator of the St. Germain Museum of Nation Antiquities, and the vice-presidents are Professors Gaudry and Han of the Museum of Natural History. Among the members are Maspet De Morgan (now directing excavations in Persia), Oppert, the Celt scholar D'Arbois, de Jubainviile, Baron de Baye, Prince Roland Bon parte. Professors Berthelot, Milne-Edwards, De Lapparent, Letouroea Manouvrier, and MM. Salomon Reinach, Salmon, and Topinard. Ti congress will open on the 20th and close on the 15th of August. TI opening session will be held in the Exposition Palais de Congrt The other meetings will take place in the lecture halls of the College k France. The final program for the work of the congress will be draw up after consultation with students of other countries, to whom the cor mittee is now extending invitation. The card of membership is fifiec francs, and entitles the recipient to all the publications of the congres The Secretary General is M. le Dr Verneau, Professeur d* Anthropol< gie, 148 rue Broca, Paris.

The Fourth International Congress of Psychology will t held in Paris, August 20-25, T 9°°- The organization is left to tt French members, and the following are the officers : President, T Ribot, professor of experimental and comparative psychology i the College de France ; Vice-president, Charles Richet, professor < physiology in the Paris Faculty of Medicine ; General Secretary, Pien Janet, Director of the Laboratory of Psychology in the College d France. The seven sections and the presidents are as follows : (1 Psychology in its relations to physiology and anatomy, Prof. Matthis Duval; (2) Introspective psychology and its relations to philosoph; Prof. G. Seailles ; (3) Experimental psychology and psycho-physic: M. A. Binet ; (4) Pathological psychology and psychiatry, Dr Ma; nan ; (5) Psychology of hypnotism and related questions, Dr Bern heim ; (6) Social and criminal psychology, M, Tarde ; {7) Comparaiiv psychology and anthropology, Prof. Yves Delage. Those wishing t attend the congress should apply to the Secretary, and those desirin to present papers should forward abstracts not later than January next.

New Hebrides Somatology and Folklore— Dr Walter I Harper, of Sydney, New South Wales, started in April on a trip in th New Hebrides to investigate the somatology and folklore of that grou] In a note on the subject Science (April 7) says : " We are informed b him that the museums of Australia, although new, have already secure

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