Crawford: Man and His Past (Tozzer) 72
Alexander: Mythology of All Races. Vol. XI: Latin-American Mythology (Tozzer) 72
Lindblom: The Akamba of British East Africa: An Ethnological Monograph (Starr) 73
Westermann: Die Kpelle: ein Negerstamm in Liberia dargestellt auf der Grundlage von Eingebornen-Berichten (Starr) 73
Choulant: History and Bibliography of Anatomic Illustration in its Relation to Anatomic Science and the Graphic Arts (Oetteking) 83
Williams: Social Scandinavia in the Viking Age (Larsen) 87
Park and Burgess: Introduction to the Science of Sociology (Lowie) 215
Hooton and Willoughby: Indian Village Site and Cemetery near Madisonville, Ohio (Merwin) 215
Lehmann-Nitsche: Las Constelaciones del Orion y de las Hiadas (Hagar) 217
Macalister: A Text-Book of European Archaeology (MacCurdy) (Peabody) 219, 370
Lumholtz: Through Central Borneo; an account of two years of travel in the land of the head hunters between the years 1913 and 1917 (Hough) 220
Saintyves: Leternuement et le Bâillement dans la Magie, l'Ethnographie et le Folklore Medical (Faye) 221
Wissler: The American Indian: An Introduction to the Anthropology of the New World. 2d edition. (Dixon) 373
Thrum, ed.: The Fornander Collection of Hawaiian Antiquities and Folklore (Beckwith) 376
Nilsson: Primitive Time-reckoning: A study in the origins and first development of the art of counting time among the primitive and early culture peoples (Reichard) 381
McDougall: Is America Safe for Democracy? (Kroeber) 464
Rivers: Instinct and the Unconscious (Kroeber) 465
Waterman and Greiner: Indian Houses of Puget Sound: Waterman and collaborators: Native Houses of Western North America. Waterman and Coffin: Types of Canoes on Puget Sound. Waterman: The Whaling Equipment of the Makah Indians (Kroeber) 466
Krause: Die Kultur der Kalifornischen Indianer (Kroeber) 467