Page:American Boys' Life of Theodore Roosevelt.djvu/349

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January 6. Secretary Gage of the Treasury resigned; was succeeded by Ex-Governor Leslie M. Shaw, of Iowa.
January 20. The President transmitted to Congress report of Canal Commission, recommending buying of rights for $40,000,000.
February 10. Serious sickness of Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. President in attendance at Groton, Massachusetts, several days.
February 24. Reception to Prince Henry of Prussia.
February 25. Launching of German Emperor's yacht, which was christened by Miss Alice Roosevelt.
March 7. President signed a bill creating a permanent pension bureau.
May 12. Beginning of the great coal strike; largest in the history of the United States.
May 21. President unveiled a monument at Arlington Cemetery, erected in memory of those who fell in the Spanish-American War.
June 9. President reviewed West Point cadets at the centennial celebration of that institution.
July 4. Addressed a great gathering at Pittsburg.
July 5. Removed his business offices to Oyster Bay for the summer.
August 11. Retirement of Justice Gray of the Supreme Court; the President named Oliver Wendell Holmes as his successor.