Page:American Historical Review, Volume 12.djvu/472

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462 Notes mid News abbey of St. Peter, mingled with a varied mass of documents ; the manuscript contains many details useful to the economic history of Ghent in the period before the middle of the eleventh century. Under the title Un Diplomatc Beige a Paris de 18^0 a 1864 M. Discailles, the biographer of Charles Rogier, has prepared a sketch of the life of Firmin Rogier, his elder brother, Belgian minister to France. NORTHERN AND EASTERN EUROPE Christine de Suede et le Conclave de Clement X., by Baron de Bildt •(Paris, Plon-Nourrit, 1906), is founded on autograph letters of the queen to Cardinal Azzolino. Manuel Historique de la Question du Slesvig (Paris, Picard). edited by Dr. Fr. Jessen, is a French version of a valuable book in the prepara- tion of which a dozen of the best Danish historical scholars have united. Though mainly directed toward a political end, it has high value to the historical student of events and conditions in Schleswig before 1864 and since. The Library of Congress has just acquired, by purchase and by the generosity of Gen. Yudin of Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, his remarkable col- lection of Russica and Sibirica. The collection numbers 80,000 vol- umes and many thousands of manuscripts, including a hundred volumes of manuscript material for the history of Alaska before its purchase by the United States. Several useful memoirs of high Russian officials respecting the military revolution of 1825 are made accessible in German in A. Gold- schmidt's Aus der Dekabristenseit (Hamburg, Gutenberg- Verlag). Messrs. Teubner of Leipzig publish, as part IL of Dr. Theodor Preger's Scriptores Originum Constantinopolitanarmn, the Origincs (ca. 995) attributed to Georgius Codinus, important for the topography of the city. A map of medieval Constantinople is appended. M. Pompiliu Eliade, in the first volume of his Histoire de I'Esprit Public en Roumanie au XIX" Siccle (Paris, Societe Nouvelle de Librairie et d'fidition, 1905, pp. 402), deals especially with the period of quasi national independence between the revolt of 1821 against the Turks and the establishment of Russian control in 1829. AMERICA GENERAL ITEMS The Department of Historical Research of the Carnegie Institution has received authority from the trustees to undertake investigations of the archives of Mexico and France similar to those already carried through in the cases of England, Spain, and Cuba, and leading to the production of systematic guides to the materials for the history of the United States which are to be found in the two archives named. Pro- fessor Herbert E. Bolton will proceed to Mexico in June, for a. year's