Page:American Historical Review, Volume 12.djvu/516

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5o6 Providence Meeiitig General Committee: Professor Benjamin F. Shambaugh, State University of Iowa, chairman; Henry E. Bourne, William I E. Dodd, Earle W. Dow, Charles H. Haskins, Frank H. ( Hodder, Susan M. Kingsbury, Franklin L. Riley, Lucy M. ] Salmon, Frank H. Severance, and Frederick G. Young. ! Finance Committee: James H. Eckels and Peter White. j Committee of Eight on History in Elementary Schools: Pro- ! fessor James A. James, Northwestern University, chairman ; Henry E. Bourne, Eugene C. Brooks, Wilbur F. Gordy, I Mabel Hill, Julius Sachs, Henry W. Thurston, and J. H. i Van Sickle. j Conference of State and Local Historical Societies: Frank H. Severance, Buffalo Historical Society, chairman ; Evarts B. ' Greene, secretary.