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Poor Richard, 1744.
For the Year of Christ
It being Leap-Year,
And makes since the Creation | Years |
By the Account of the Eastern Greeks | 7252 |
By the Latin Church, when ☉ ent. V | 6943 |
By the Computation of W.W. | 5753 |
By the Roman Chronology | 5693 |
By the Jewish Rabbies | 5505 |
Wherein is contained
The Lunations, Eclipses, Judgment of the Weather, Spring Tides, Planets Motions & mutual Aspects, Sun and Moon's Rising and Setting, Length of Days, Time of High Water, Fairs, Courts, and observable Days.
Fitted to the Latitude of Forty Degrees, and a Meridian of Five Hours West from London, but may without sensible Error, serve all the adjacent Places, even from Newfoundland to South-Carolina.
By Richard Saunders, Philom
Printed and sold by B. Franklin.