Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 1.djvu/824

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A. Arena. JMS.

AAD. American Annals of the Deal. L. AAP. Annals of the American Academyof Polit- LG.

ical and Social Science. LH.

AC. L' Association Catholique. LQR.

ACQ. American Catholic Quarterly Review. Mi.

AIM. American Journal of Medical Sciences. Mo.

ATP, American Journal of Psychology. NAR.

ATS. American Journal of Sociology. NC.

ALR. American Law Review. NS.

ALRR. American law register and review. NW.

AM. Atlantic Monthly. Ntr.

AMC. American Magazine of Civics. PhR.

AN. American Naturalist. PR. ASA. American Statistical Association, Publica- PSM,

tions. PSQ.

AP. Archive fur Philosophic. PsyR. APN, Archive fiir Psychiatric und Ncrvcnkran- Qi^*

kenheiten. C5R. AZP. Allgemcine Zeitschrift fiir Psychiatric und Res.

Psychischgcrichtlichc Medicin. RDM.

BAN. Bankers Magazine, New York. Ref. S.

BC. Biologische CentraUilatt. RTF.

BDL. Bulletin of (he Department of Labor. RISS. BME. Banker's Magazine, English.

BOX. Bulletin de I'Office du Travail. RMEA. BS. Bibliotheca Sacra.

Ch. Chautauquan. RIS.

ChR. Charities Review. RMM. CNP. Centralblatt fur Nervenheilkunde und RPe.

Psychiatric. RPh.

ChOR. Charity Organization Review, RPP-

CoR. Contemporary Review. RR.

DMW. Deutsche Medlcinische Wochenschrift. RS.

E. Education. RTSE EcJ. Economic Journal.

EcR, Economic Review. RV.

EdR. Educational Review. S.

EM. Engineering Magazine. Sc.

F. Forum. SS, FNZ. Forstlich-Naturwissenshaftliche Zeit- SM.

schrift. SP.

FR. Fortnightly Review. SR.

GEc Giomale degli Economist!. VWP. GM. Gunton's Magazine.

HR. Hygienische Rundschau. YR.

IJE. International louraal of Economics. ZGS. JpE. Journal of Political Economy.

TEd. Journal of Education. ZPP, JFI. Journal of the Franklin Institute. JHS. Johns Hopkins University Studies in

History and Political Science.

{oumal of Mental Science, .ippincotts.

Laoor gazette.

Lend a Hand.

Law Quarterly Review.



North American Review.

Nineteenth Century.

Natural Science.

New world.


Philosophical Review.

Philosophical Review.

Popular Science Monthly.

Political Science Quarterly.

Psychological Review.

Quarterly Journal of Economics.

Quarterly Review.

Revue Christianisme Sociale.

Revue des deux mondes,

Reforme sociale.

Rivista Italiana di Fttosofia,

Rtvisia Internationale di Scienze Sociall Discipline Ausiliarie. . Revue Mensuclle de PEcole d' Anthropol- ogic de Paris.

Revue Internationale de Sociologie.

Revue Mctaphysigue el de Morale.

Revue Pcnetentlaire.

Revue Phitosophique.

Revue Politique et Parliamcntaire.

Review of Reviews.

Revue Socialiste.

Record of Technical and Secondary Educa- tion.

Revue du Travail.



Science Sociale.

Scribner's MagasiDc.

Science Progress.

School Review.

Vierteljahrschrift Philosophic

Yale Review.

Zeitschrift fiir die gesamtc Staatswissen- schaften.

Zeitschrift fiirPsychologie und Physiologic der Sinnesorgane.

fiir wissenschaftliche