Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 2.djvu/776

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Staatswissenschaftliche Studien. Hrsj;. v. I.i:i!w. Elster. 6 Bd., 3 Hft. Jena. G. Fischer. 68 pp. 8vo. M. 2.


Berlin u. seine Eisenbahnen, 1846-1806. Berlin, J. Springer. 2 Bde. 410. m. 53 Taf. M. 40.

Lusignoli, Alf. L'inchiesta ferroviaria. Firenze, tip. di Gustavo Campalmi. 31 pp. i6mo. 20 cent.

Memoriale per la commissipne d'inchiesta, .... (Lega ferrovieri italiani), 1896. Firenze, tip. di Gustavo Campalmi. 40 pp. 410.

Statistik der Guterbewegung auf deutschen Eisen- bahnen, nach Verkehrsbezirken geprdnet. Hrsg. in k. preuss. Ministerium der dffentl. Arbeiten. 57 Bd. 12 Jahr. 1896. i Viertel- jahr. Berlin, C. Heymann's Verl. 363 S. 4to. M. 13.50.

Sanitary Science and Domestic Economy.

Balch, Lewis. A manual for boards of health & health officers. N. Y. & Albany, Banks & Bros. 242 pp. $1.50.

Becour, Dr. L'Hygiene populaire. Lille, Le Bigot freres. 256 pp. 8vo.

Besson, A., & Robinet, C. Traite elementaire d'hygiene. Paris, J. B. Bailliere. 252 pp., il. i6mo.

Billings, J. S., and others. The composition of ex- pired air & its effects upon animal life. Lon- don, Wesley. 3 + 8ipp. 410. 6s.

Blyth, A. W. Foods: their composition & analy- sis ; a manual for the use of analytical chem- ists and others. Ed. 4. N. Y., D. Van Nos- trand & Co. 735 pp. 8vo. $7.50.

Bonnejoy. Principles d'alimentation rationelle et de cuisine vegetarienne. Ed. 2. Paris, lib. Berthier. 269 pp. i6mo. fr. 5.

Coleman, T. E. Sanitary house drainage, its principles & practice : a handbook for the use of architects, engineers & builders. N. Y., Spon & Chamberlain. 186 pp., il. $2.

Laumonier, J. L'Hygiene de la cuisine. Paris, F. Alcan. 187 pp. 32010. 60 cent.

Martin, H. N. The human body. 7th ed. rev. N. Y., Henry Holt & Co. 685 pp., il. 8vo. $2.50.

Statistiques sanitaire des villes de France et d'Al- gerie pendant 1'annee 1 8g3. Melun, Imp. administrative. (Ministere de 1'interieur.) 336 pp. 4 to.

Religion and the Church: General Works.

Abbott, Lyman. Christianity & social problems.

Boston, Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 370 pp.

i2mo. $1.25. Bazin, G. L'Allemagne catholique au XIX siecie.

Windthorst, ses allies & ses adversaires. Paris,

lib. Bloud & Barral. 332pp. 8vo. Brooks, Phillips. Good cheer for a year : selections

from the writings of the Rt. Rev. Phillips

Brooks. N. Y., E. P. Button & Co. 372 pp.

$1.25. Brooke, S. A. The Old Testament & modern

life. N. Y., Dodd,.Mead & Co. 352 pp.

$1.50. Castries, H. de. L'Islam. Impressions et Etudes.

Paris, Colin & Cie. ^63 pp. i6mo. fr. 4. Cooke, R. J. The historic episcopate: a study of

Anglican claims & Methodist orders. N. Y.,

Eaton & Mains. 224 pp. i2mo. $i. Courbet, P. Nouvelles etudes sur le christianisme.

Necessite scientifique de 1'existence de Dieu.

Paris, Bloud & Barral. 72 pp. i6mo.

Cowan, Henry. The influence of the Scottish Church in Christendom : being the Baird lec- tures for 1895. London, Black. 312 pp. 8vo. 35. 6d.

Ede, W. M. The attitude of the church to some of the social problems of town life. . . . Ed. 2. N. \ ., Tin- Macmillan Co. 131 pp. i2mo. 25C.

Gladstone, W. E. Studies subsidiary to the works of Bishop Butler. N. Y., The Macmillan Co.

I2IT1O. $2.

Henderson, C. R. The development of the doc- trine in the epistles. Phila., American Baptist Pub. Society. 121 pp. i6mo. soc.

Ireland. J. (.Abp.) The church and modern soci- ety ; lectures and addresses. Chicago, D. H. McKride & Co. 413 pp. i2mo. $1.50.

Jevons, F. B. An introduction to the history of religion. N. Y., The Macmillan Co. 443 pp., il. i2mo. $2.50.

Jogendra, N. B. Hindu castes & sects; an expo- sition of the origin, caste, system, & bearing of the sects towardsother religious systems. Lon- don, Thacker. 642 pp. 8vo. 175.

Jus pontificum de propaganda fide. Pars prima complectens bullas, brevia, acta, s. s. A congregationis institutione ad praesens juxta tempqris seriem disposita, ctira ac studio Ra- phaelis De Martinis. Vol. 6, par. 2. Romae, ex typ. Polyglotta s. propaganda fide. 474 pp. 410.

Koehler, Wilh. Die katholischen Kirchen des Morgenlandes. Beitrag zum Verfassungs- recht der ,sogenannten " uniert-oriental." Kirchen. Darmstadt, J. Waitz. 160 S. 8vo. M.6.

Krause, F. X. Histoire de 1'Eglise. Ed. 3. Paris, Bloud & Barral. 591 pp. 8vo.

Kreyenbuhl, Johs. Die Nothwendigkeit u. Gestalt e. kirchlichen Reform. Freiburg i. B., J. C. B. Mohr. 256 S. 8vo. M . 4.

Leon XIII. De 1'unite de 1'Eglise, lettre ency-

clique Paris, Dumoulin & Cie. 75 pp.


Oglive, J. N. The Presbyterian churches; their place and power in modern Christendom. London, A. & C. Black. 208 pp. 8vo. is. 6d.

Pfleiderer, Otto. Religionsphilosophie auf ge- schicht. Grundlage. 3 Aufl. Berlin, G. Reimer. 761 S. 8vo. M. 12.50.

Pullan, Leighton. Lectures on religion. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co. 342 pp. i2mo. $2.

Regnand, P. Les premieres formes de la religion et de la tradition dans 1'Inde^ et la Grece. Paris, lib. Leroux. 518 pp. 8vo.

Scheichl, Frz. Glaubensfliichtige in England, Scotland u. Irland seit dem J. 1500. Eine culturgesch. Studie. Linz, E. Mareis' Sort. 45 S. 8vo. M. 2.

Todd, Ja. When, how and by whom was tha Bible written? N. Y. & Chicago, Fleming H. Revell & Co. 153 pp. i2mo. 75C.

Tolstoy, Leo. The gospel in brief; translated from the Russian. London, W. Scott. 238 pp. 8vo. 2s. 6d.

Triac, J. de. Guerre & Christianisme. Paris, Firmin & Didot. 403 pp. i6mo.

Watson, J. Christianity & idealism: the Chris- tian's ideal of life in its relations to the Greek & Jewish ideals & to modern philosophy. (Pub- lications of the Philosophical Union, Univ. of Cal., Vol. 2.) N. Y., The Macmillan Co. 216 pp. i2mo. $1.25.

Socialism, Christian Socialism, Populism,

Anarchy. Almanach socialiste illustre pour 1897. Paris,

Bibliotheque socialiste, 51 rue St. Sauveur.

120 pp. i6mo. 30 cent.