Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 3.djvu/150

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Great Britain : Financial relations between Great

Britain & Ireland, : R., Ap.

1497-1897: East -.ird Salmon, FR.,

Ap. Reform the house of lords? Goldwin Smith,

CoR., Ap. Financial relations between Ireland & Great

Britain, L. H. Courtney, CoR.. My. The Queen's empire, W RRN., Je.

Greece: The case against Greece, Diplomaticus,

. My. Hard Times: Why the people are " short," H. S.

Pingree, R., Sly. History: Fustel d'e Coulanges as an historian,

Edward Jenks. KHK.. Eine franzosische Geschichtstheorie, Elimar

Klebs, HZ., 78: 3. Delia base economica della storia, A. Contento,

GEc.. Ap. Historical writings of Francis Parkman, QR.,

Ap. Housing: The dwellings of the London poor,

ChOR.. My. Immigration: Should immigration be restricted,

S. G. Croswell, NAK.. Mv. India: The famine in India, I. L. Hauser, ChR.,

Ap. Industry: Reversions in modern industrial life,

Franklin Smith, PSM., My.

Inner Mission: Die innere Mission iiber die alt- kirchlichen epistolischen Perikopen, Lic.Woh- lenberg, MIM., Ap.

Insurance : Die Arbeiterversicherung in den europaischen Staaten, F. Berghoff-Tsing, JGV., 21:2.

Over- insurance & under consumption, John Davidson, Jour, of the Canadian Bankers' As- sociation, Ap. Les assurances ouvrieres en Allemagne, Maurice

Bellom, RPP., My. Internationalism: L'internationalisme & 1'idee

de patrie, L. I^grand, RPP., My. Irrigation : Canal irrigation in modern Mexico, C.

P. MacKie, EM., My. Italy: The twentieth Italian parliament, Ouida,

FR., My.

Japan: Japans wirtschaftliche Kulturentwicke- lung & sein Preisniveau, Wernicke, Johannes, JNS., Ap. Labor: L'idea cristiana del lavoro, E. Costanzi,

RISS., Mr.

L'ouvrier americain, E.T>evasseur, AMP., Ap. Trade unions under the Solonic law, C. O.

Ward. A., My.

Der Entwurf zur Abanderung der deutschen Ge-

werbeordnung, Clamor Neuburg, ASG., 10: 4.

La reforme de la loi sur le travail des femmes et

des enfants, Leon Milhaud, RPP., My. Le banque d'etat & la greve du Nord-Est en

Suisse, F. Ruedi, ReS., Ap. A French view of American industry, GM., Je. Die statistik der Arbeitseinstellungen. Victor

Mataja.JNS.. Mr.

Language :' La question de la langue internation- ale & sa solution par 1'esperanto, Gaston Moch, RIS., Ap. Libraries: The public & its public library, J. C.

Dana, PSM., Je. The new library of Congress, Montgomery

Schuyler, Scribner's Mag., Je* Liquor Question: The history of alcohol, C. E.

Pellew. PSM., le. Le regime de Pafcool en Belgique, G. Lorand,

RPP., Ap. Literature: Season's output of fiction, H. W.

Lanier, RRN., Je.

Mothers: National congress of mothers, Ellen A. Richardson & others, A., My.

Negro: The Tuskegee negro conference, R. C.

Bedford, ChU.. My. Le negro problem aux Etats-Unis, G.deMolinari,

JEc., Ap.

Newfoundland: The economic condition of New- foundland at the close of 1896, M. Harvey, Jour, of the Canadian Bankers' Assoc., Ap. Padrone System: The padrone system, GM., My. People's Banks: People's banks, H. W. Wolff,

ChOR., Ap.-My.

Philosophy: Ueber die Analytische Methode & die Selbststandigkeit der Philosophic, R. v. Schubert -Soldern, VWP., Ap. Die immanente Philosophic & Wilhelm Wundt, Wilhelm Schuppe, Zeit. f. Immanente Phi- losophic, 2 : 2. Political Economy: Theorie de la valeur, Henri

Savatier, AC., Ap. L'elemento soggettivo nella teoria del valore,

V. Crocini, GEc., Ap.

Political Science: Moral limitations of state inter- ference, E. F. B. Fell, EcR. , Ap. Population: La depopulation, Paul Lapeyre, AC.,

My. Zur Bevb'lkerungsgeschichte des Altertums,

Julius Beloch, JNS., Mr. Property: La propriete dans 1'avenir, G. de Pas-

cal.AC., My.

Proportional Representation : Les objections a la representation proportionelle, E. Naville, RPP., Ap. Psychology : Sources of the new psychology, E.

W. Scripture, PSM., My. Thought as a remedial agent, E. F. Hayward,


Human mind & animal intelligence, QR., Ap. Les lois organiques de 1'histoire de la psychol- ogic, Maurice de Wulf, AGP., 3: 3. Recherche d'une methode en psychologic, G.

Remade, RMM., My. Ueber psychologische & logische Urteilstheo-

rieen, W. Jerusalem, VWP., Ap Die Krisis in der Psychologic, II, R. Willy,

VWP., Ap. Railroads: Railway financiering a fine art, W. P.

Fishback, A., Je. The trans -Missouri decision, G. R. Blanchard,


Lo sviluppo della rete ferrovia ria degli Stati Ur.iti e le sue variazioni, L. Barberis, GEc., My, Cheap transportation in the United States, J. A.

Latcha, NAR., My. Physical aspect in railroad accounting, T. F.

Woodlock, EM., Je. .

Increased confidence in American railroad secur- ities, T. F. Woodlock, EM., My. Recent prosperity of British railways, W. J.

Stevens, EM., My. Religion: Theism of China, F. H.James, NW.,

Je. Possibilities of mysticism in modern thought,

W. W. Fenn,NW.,Je.

Function of religious expression, H. R. Mar- shall, M., Ap.

Referendum: Le referendum au point de vue econ- omique de 1'etranger, Maurice Block, JEc., Ap. Renaissance: Rome et la renaissance, Julian

Klaczkp, RDM., Ap. Roads: Highway construction in Mass., C. L.

Whittle, PSM., My.

Russia: Russia as it is, W. Durban, CoR., My. Sanitary science: La defense de 1'Europe contre la

peste, A. Proust, AMP., Ap. Public baths, or the gospel of cleanliness, W. H.

Tolman, YR., My. Popular errors in living, C. W. Purdy, NAR., Je.