Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 3.djvu/262

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General topic : Municipal Government. References :

Bryce, American Commonwealth (Ed. 3, New York, Macmillan, 1895), . I, pp. 622-666.

A careful analytical study of our municipal institutions. Ely, Problems of Today.

Directly to the point as regards municipal problems. Fiske, Civil Government in the United States.

A valuable study, chiefly historical. Goodnow, Comparative Administrative Law (New York, Putnam, 1893),

Vol. I, bk. 3.

A comparative study of municipal organizations in different

countries ; especially valuable as furnishing a basis for comparison

in the study of our own institutions. Loomis, Modern Cities (New York, Baker, 1887).

Suggestive discussion of municipal problems. National Conference for Good City Government, Proceedings 1895-6.

Contain valuable papers on the different phases of municipal

reform. The volume for 1894 has a very full bibliography. Shaw, Municipal Government in Great Britain. Shaw, Municipal Government in Continental Europe.

Shaw's books are excellent studies of British and Continental

municipal life, with special attention to social problems. Tolman, Municipal Reform Movements (New York, Revell, 1895).

Made up largely of reports from organizations in many cities for

improving existing conditions. Special Report on How our City is Governed.

This should be merely a descriptive report giving the various depart- ments, how they are officered, method of election or appointment, etc. Some attempt should be made to compare the local government with that of other cities. If more extended study is desired by the Club special reports on each branch of the city government should be brought in.