Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 4.djvu/293

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missioners for 1896-7. L., Eyre & Spottis- woode. 8vo. IS. \% d.

Holman, H. English national education; a sketch of the rise of public elementary schools in Eng- land L., Blackie & Son. 255 pp.Svo. 2s. 6d.

Italy — Ministero della publica instnizione. An- nuario, 1898, Roma, tip. Ludovico Cecchini. 682 pp. 8vo.

Jahrbuch des Vereins f. wissenschaftliche Padago- gik. Begriindet v. P. T. Zillcr. Hrsg. Thdr. Vogt. 30. Jahrg.. 1898. Dresden, Bleyl & Kaemmerer. 286 pp. 8vo. M. 5.

Jahres-Verzeichniss der an den deuischen Schul- anstalten erschienenen Abhandlungen, IX, 1897. Br., A. Asher & Co. 80 pp. 8vo. M. 2.40.

Laurie, Andre. La vie dc college dans tous les temps ct dans tous les pays. L'ecoHer d'Athenes. P., impr. Chamerot. 334 pp. il. iSmo. f. 3.

Letoumeau, Ch. L'evolution de Peducation dans les diverses races humaines. P., libr. Vigot freres. 625 pp. 8vo. f. 9.

Lexis, W. Die Besoldungsverhaltnisse der Lehrer an den hoheren Unteirichtsanstalten Preussens. Jena, G. Fischer. 100 pp. 8vo. M. 1.80.

Pestalozzi, J. H. Letters on early education ad- dressed to J. P. Greaves, Esq., tr. from the German MSS. Syracuse, N. Y., C. W Bar- decn. 180 pp. i6mo. $1. (Standard teachers* libr.)

Picks, G. Manual training: woodwork, a hand- book for teachers 275 ill. L., Mac-

millan & Co. 196 pp. 410. 7s. 6d.

Secondary Education : Essays by various writers, ed. by Christopher Cookson. L. , Henry Frowde, 314 pp, 8vo. 4s. 6d.

Vincent, G. £. Social mind and education : see 18.

7. Ethics, Philosophy, and Psychology. Ambrosi, Lu. La psicologia del I'immaginazione

nella storia della filosofia : esposizione e critica.

Roma, soc. edit. Dante AJighieri. 562 pp.

L. 6. Baumann, Jul. Real wissenschaftliche Begriin-

dung der Moral, des Rechis u. der Gotteslehre.

Lp., Dietrich. 295 pp. 8vo. M. 7. Fouillee. Alfred. Psychologic du peuple fran^ise.

P., F. Alcan, 395 pp. 8vo. f. 7.50. Fulliquet, Georges. Essai sur Tobligation morale.

P., F. Alcan. 458 pp. 8vo. f. 7.50. Guastella, Cosmo. Saggi sulla teoria della

conoscenza; saggio L Sui limiti e l*oggeto

della conoscenza a priori. Palermo, Remo

Sandron edit. 571 pp. i6mo. Lehmann, Alfr. Aberglaube u. Zauberei von den

altesten Zeiten bis in dieGegenwart. Deutsch

V. Dr. Petersen. (In6Lfgn.) i.Lfg. Stuttgart,

F. Enke. 96 pp. 8vo. M. 2. Lotz, Rud. Die Philosophic u. der Zweck des

Lebens. Athen, Barth & v. Hirst in.Komm.

73 pp. 8vo. M. 1.60. Marchesini, G. La crisi del positivlsmo c il pro-

blema filosofico. Torino, fratelH Bocca. 192 pp.

8vo. L. 3. Mills, W. Nature and development of animal in- telligence. L., Fisher Unwin. 320 pp. 8vo.

los. 6d. Morgan. C. L. Psychology for teachers

N. v., C. Scribner's Sons. 240 pp. i2mo. $1. Monrad, M. J. Die menschliche Willensfreiheit

u. das Bdse. Aus dem Norweg Lp..

A. Janssen. 64 pp. 8vo. M. 1.20. Miiller, Jos. System der Philosophic. Enth. ;

Erkenntnistheorie, Logik u. Metaphysik,

Psychologic, Moral u. Religionsphilos.

Mainz, F. Kirchheim. 372 pp. 8vo. M, 5. Philosoph. Studien.hrsgv. W. Wundt, 14. Bd. i.

u. 2. Hft. Lp., E. Engelmann. M. 4. Royce, Joseph. Studies of good & evil: A series

of essays upon problems of philosophy & of life. N. v., D. Appleton & Co. 384 pp. lamo. $1.50. Sutherland, Alex. Origin & growth of the moral instinct. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co. 2 v. 8vo. $3.

Guyau, M. Sketch of morality, independent of obligation or sanction, trans, from the 2d French ed. by Gertrude Kapeteyn. L., Walls. 228 pp. 3s. 6d.

8. Family. Durkheim, E. Prohibition de Tinceste . ... see

Annee, 18. Federation abolitionniste Internationale contre la

prostitution reglementee .... par G. de M,

P., Giard & Briere. 79 pp. i6mo. f. i. Great Britain — Parliament. Births, deaths &

marriages. 43d annual report. 1897. L.,

Eyre & Spottiswoode. 8vo. sd. Jacob, G. Die Prostitution u. ihre polizeiliche

BekaimpfuQg. Lp., W. Friedrich. 24 pp.

8vo. M. 0.60. Laupts, Dr. Tares et poisons. Perversions et

perversiie sexuelle. Une enquetc medicale

sur rinversion. Preface par Emile Zola

Paris, libr. Carre. 328 pp. 8vo. Meynial, E. Le mariage apres les invasions, i"

fasc: Origines romaines et germainiques.

P., libr. Larose. 107 pp. 8vo. Prostituees (les) a Paris. Notes et souvenirs d'un

ancien agent des moeurs. P., bib. du journal

Fin-de-SiecIc. 270 pp. i8mo. f. 3.50. Virmaitre, Ch. Paris impur. Les maisons de

rendez-vous. P., libr. Alfred Charles. 292 pp.

i8mo. f. 3.50.

Sanger, W. W. History of prostitution: its extent, causes & effects throughout the world. New ed. N. Y. Medical Pub. Co. 709 pp. 8vo. $2.

g. Finance and Taxation.

Austria — K. k. Finanz-Mtnisterium. Mittei-

lungen. 4. Jahrg. i. u. 2. Hft. Wien, Hof-

u. Staatsdruckerei. pp. 1-160, 161-429. 8vo.

M. 4 u. 5. Austria— K. k. statist. Central-Com. Statistik

der Sparcassen .... 1895. 105 +59 pp.

4to. M. 3. (Oesterreich. Statistik, 49. Bd.,

3. Hft. : see iq.) Bachmann, H. Die Effektenspekulation unter

besond. Beriicksicht. der deutschen BOrsencn-

quctc [aus Zeitschr, f. schweiz. Statistik],

Ziirich, A. Miiller's Verl. 132 pp. 8vo. M.3.20. Banca popolare agricola commerciale di Pavia

(societa anonima coopcrativa) resoconlo dell*

esercizio 1897 .... Pavia, fralelli Fusi.

46 pp. 4to. Blanc, Joseph. Histoire des principes de la repar- tition etde la quotite dans I'impot direct (these),

Toulouse, libr. Riviere. Bohmert, Wilh. Die Verteilungdes Einkommens

in Preussen u. Sachsen m. besond, Beriicksicht.

der Grossstadte u. des Landes .... Dresden,

O. V. Bohmert. Brown, John. Parasitic wealth ; or, money reform:

a manifesto to the people of the U. S. & to the

workers of the whole world. C.,H. Kcrr&

Co. 169 pp. 8vo. $1. Calmon, A. Histoire parlcmentalre des finances ^

la monarchic d^ Juillct. T. 3. P.. C. L^vy.

448 pp.-8vo. f. 7.50. Camera di commercio ed arti di Roma. Atti e

document! relativi all' ispezione ministeriale.

Roma, tip. Innoccnzo Artero, 1897. 252 pp.

8vo. Carver, T. N. The Ohio tax inquisitor law.

N. Y., Macmillan Co. [for Am, Economic