Friendly Visiting among the Poor; A Handbook for Charity Workers. By Mary E. Richmond, General Secretary of the Charity Organization Society of Baltimore. The Mac- millan Co., 1899. Pp. 225. gi.
Since the beginning of the charity-organization movement a great variety of experiments have furnished fairly reliable rules for the friendly visitor. A small book, full of inspiration, yet intensely prac- tical, was needed for the growing company of workers who mediate between dependent families and the comfortable public. Miss Rich- mond has brought together, from careful reading and successful personal experience, a body of instruction of the highest value. She tells the visitor how to become acquainted with the poor, how to help make the best of a sorry situation, how to spend and save, how to preserve health. The needed directions are clearly stated, and the spirit of the book tends to earnest and effective action.
C. R. H
A Handbook of Labor Literature. Being a Classified and Anno- tated List of the More Important Books and Pamphlets in the English Language. Compiled by Helen Marot. Philadelphia: Free Library of Economics and Political Sci- ence, 1899. Pp. 7+96, i2mo. $1.
Contents: Introduction; works of reference; industrial history ; monopolies; land question (and single tax^; anarchism (and commu- nistic anarchy) ; individualism and adverse criticism of socialism ; socialism ; Utopias ; communistic societies ; " how the other half lives," including the sweating system and hygiene of occupation; wages; cooperation and profit-sharing ; trade unions ; strikes ; arbitration and conciliation; hours of labor; unemployed; women wage-earners and child labor; industrial insurance and old-age pensions ; labor laws and factory acts ; Christianity and the labor question ; labor songs ; gen- eral and collective treatises; labor periodicals; sociological journals; economic monographs ; bureaus of labor ; bibliographies consulted ; addresses of publishers ; index to authors.
As will be seen from the above contents, the compiler of this bibli- ography has given the term "labor" a generous scope in selecting her material for a handbook of labor literature. On first inspection some