Ahbrrtnaticns: B. = Berlin; Bo. = Boston; C. = Chicago; F. = Frankfurt a M. ; Fr. — Fraburg; L. = London; Lp. = Leipzig; Ph. = Philadelphia ; St. = Stuttgart.
Bibliographies, Dictionaries, Encyclo- pedias, and Handbooks.
Alljey. Fred. Bibliographic de tons les oiivrages connuseo touteslcslangucssur lejeu de dames. Commcrcy. Cabasse. 1852. 8vo.
Alphabet o( games. N. Y., Ward. Lock & Bowden, 1S92. il. 4to. $0.20.
Aivensleben. Ludw. v, , Handbuch der Gesell- schaits- Spiele. Fur lebensfrohc Familien, welche Munterkeit u. Scherz m. An.stand u. Silte 2U verbinden wiinschen. 9. Aufl. Mit vielen Abbildgn. Weimar, B. F. V^oighl, 1897, 340 pp. Svo. M. 1.
Benedict. G. H. Spalding's handbook of sporting rules & training. C. Spalding, 1S86. il. $0.23.
Berkeley (pseud.). Manuals of games. N. V., Stokes. i8g<3. _ z+mo. 5 v. ea. $0.50.
Biblioihequecyenegetiqued'un amateur, a%'ec notes bibliographiques. P.. Didot. 18S4. Svo. f. 7.
Blaine, U. P. Encydopadia of rural sports. Bo.. Lee & Shepard. $8.
Boys' o»-n book: an encyclopedia of all the diver- sions of manhood & youth, ist Am. ed. Bo., 1829. i6mo.
Boys' own book: encyclopaedia of sports. K. Y., World Pub. House. 1S78. il. Si. 50.
Boys' cwn book : encj-dopsedia of sports & pas- limes. L.. Crosby, Lockwood & Son, iSBg. ibmo, 8s. 6d.
Boys' own han(fixx)k of indoor & outdoor games. L., Hamilron. 1871. lamo. 2s. 6d.
British standard handbooks of sport & pastimes. L.. J. & R. Maxwell, iSSs- 8vo. 3s. 6d.
Celoart, Mme. Nouveau manael complei dcs jeux de socieie. P., 1868. New ed, Svo. i. 2.
Champlin. J. U., & Bosrwicl:. A. E. Young folks' encydopedia of games & sports. N. Y., Heury Holt & Co., 1S90. il. i2mo. $2.50.
Cotton, C. Compleat gamester; or full & easy in- structions for playing all manner of usual & most genteel games, after the best method. L., 1721. i6mo.
Diaionar>- of games for girls & boys, L., Ward & Locke, 1884. Svo. 2s. 6d,
Dumont. Nouveau manuel compIei des jeux . . . P.. Roret, 1S7+. il. i8mo. f. 3.
Durand, E. Dictionnaire desjcux de societe. P., Libraire des publications a 5 centimes, 1SS6. 32mo. $0.25.
Encydopscdia of sport. L., Lawrence & Bullen, 1S9S. 2 V. 8vo. 60s.
Euler. Carl. Encydopadiiches Handbuch des gesamien Tumwescns u. der verwandten Ge- bieie. In Verbindg. m. lahlreichen Fachge- nossen hrsg, Wien. A. Pichler's Wwe. & Sohn, 1896. 3 Bde. Svo. M.i6.
EveiT little boy's book: cydopasdia of in- & out- door games, N. Y., Geo. Routledge & Sons. i6mo. il. Si. 25.
Foster. Rob. F. Brentano's pocket library of games ... N. Y., Brentano's, 1897. 5 v. 32mo. ea. $0,50.
Foster, Rob. F. Foster's Complete Hoyle: an en- c>*dcpaedia of all the indoor games played at the present day ... N. Y., A. Stokes & Co., 1897. 10—625 PP- il- i2nio.
Frith, H. Dictionary of games & amusemenLs for boys & girls, L.. \S ard & Locke. 1883. Svo.
2S. 6d.
Hahn, Alban von. Encyklopadie samt). bekannten Spiele u. Uuterhaltung^sweisen f. alle Kreise, Gcsellschafts-u. Scherzspiclealler Art. Omkel- spide. Ball u. Reiseuspiele .... T:»n7spiele. Hrsg. unter Mitwirkg. ertahrener Fachmanner. Lp., O. Spamer, 1394. 507 pp. m. 277 Abbil- dungen. Geb. M. 7.50.
Handbook of outdoor games, N. Y., Roorbach.
1 6 mo. Hoer, K. L. A bibliography of card games & of
the history «f playing cards. Howard. C. H. The encydt^Mcdia of sport- N. Y.,
G. P. Putnam's Sons 1898, 2 v. il. F. Sio. Hutchinson, G. K. Outdoor games & recreations:
encydopzdia for bojrs. Ph., Lippincoit, 1892.
il, Svo. S1.75. Indoor games & recreations: popular, encyclo- pedia for boj-s. L-. Rel. Tract Soc, 1S88.
8to. il. 8s. Jahrbuch f. Volks- u Jngendspicle. Hrsg. von E,
\-on Schenckendorfi u. F. A. Schmidt, 5. Jahrg.
1896. Lp., R. Voigtlander, 1S96. 314 pp. Svo. M,3.
Johnson, T. B. The sportsman's cyclopedia.
L., 1S31. Svo. Kreunz. Frz. Bewegungsspiele u. Wettkampfe f.
Mittelschule u.verwandte Lchranstalten. sowie
f. Turn- u. Spidvereine. Ein Handbuch f.
Lehrer u. Schtilcr. 2. Aufl. Graz. F. Pechel,
1897. 256 pp. 8vo. M. 2.
Landrait. Le mosee de jeui, contcnant les princi-
Eaux jeux en usage dans la bonne sodele. imoges, Ardant, 1S33. il. iimo. Lewis, \. J. Cvdopedia of cards & table games.
N. Y., Routledge, 1S90. il. Svo. MonJidars,T. de. Grande encydopediemethcdique
universelle illustree, des jeux et des divertisse- ments de Tesprit et du cotps .... P.,
Libralrie illustree, 1S88. Svo. f. 12. Parent. Ernest. Le li\Te de touted les chasses.
Dictionnaire encydopedique du chasseur. P.,
Tanera, 1S65. 2 v. Svo. f. 10, Pond, F. E. Sportsman's directory. Milwaukee,
Wis.. Casper. 1S91. $1. Popular recreator: key to indoor & outdoor
amusements. L., Cassell. 4to. los. 6d. Routledge. E, Every boy's book : encydopedia
of sports & amusements. N. Y.. Routledge.
Newed. 18SS. U. Svo. $3.50. Routledge's sporting annual. L., Routledge. 1SS2.
Ed- 2. Svo. IS. Seydel's Katalog der Turn-, Sport- u. Spiel-Uttera-
tur. B., A. SeydeJ's Verl., 1896. 96 pp.
Svo. M. I. Se>Tnour. Richard. Compleat gamester. L., 1734.
Ed. 5. i6mo. Souhart, R. Bibliographie des ouvragcs sur la
chasse. P., Rouquette, 18S6. Svo. Sportsman's dictionary ; or gentleman's companion
for town & country. Ed- 4. L., 1793. 410. Sportsman's handbook to practical collecting.
L.. Ward & Locke, 1804. 3s. 6d. Sufiolk, Earl oi. Encyclopaedia of sport. L.,
Lawrence & Bullen.' 1S97 & 1898, Van Ten ac. Academie des jeux contencnt I'his-
toire, la marche, les regies, &c.. des jeux en
usage dans les cerdes et dans les salons ....
P., Garaier, 1S58. 32mo. f. 3. Walsh, j. H. £ncyd(^»edia of rural sports. Ph.,
Porier. $4-30. Walsh. J. H. AJbum des jetix de hasard ....
P., Fruchart, 1850. 2 v. i2mo.
Alexander, A. New games & sports for schools, etc. L,, Geo. I'hilip, 1895. il. 8\o. 3s, 6d.
Artistic amusements, L., "Bazaar** off., 1S79, i!, Svo. 3s. 6d.
Baar. Leop. Singspide f. Madchen. Pilsen. W, Sicinh.iuser, 1896. 3:5 pp. Svo. M. 0.60.
Bainbridgc. E. G. School-room garner & exer- cises. Bo., Interstate Pub. Co.. 1SS6. 12:110. $0.75.