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Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 5.djvu/153

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L., Bell, 1898. 144 pp. i3mo. is. Club series.

Greenaway, K. Kate Greenaway's book of games. N. v., Routledge, 1889. il. 8vo. $1.

H. E. H. Parlor games for the wise & otherwise. Ph., Penn. Pub. Co., 1887. 32mo. $0.50.

Hale, L. P. Fagots for the fireside: games & amusements. Bo.,Ticknor, 1888. umo. $1.25. New ed. N. Y., Houghton, 1894. $1.25.

Henderson. Florence L. Drawing-room plays. L., Sonnenschein, 1884. 8vo. is. 6d.

Hoffmann ^Prof.). Drawing-room amusements & entertainments. L., Routledge, 1890. 8vo. 3s. 6d.

Home amusements. L., Griffith, 1869. i6mo. 2s.

Home games for old & young. Bo., Lee & Shep- ard. $0.75.

Home recreations; or how to amuse the young folks. N. Y., Haney. ismo. $0.25.

Household amusements & enjoyments. L., Bee- ton, 1866. lamo. IS.

Howe, W. H. Everybody's book of indoor games. L., Howe, i8go. i6mo. is. 6d.

Howe, W. H. Ever\'body's book of indoor & outdoor games. L., Howe, 1891. i6mo. is.

How to amuse an evening party. N. Y., Dick & Fitzgerald. Large i6mo. $0.30.

How to entertain a social party. N. Y., Ogilvie, 1884. i6mo. $0.50.

How to entertain a social party: tableaux, games, etc. N. v., Reed, 1874. i8mo.il. $0.25.

Hoyle. E. Hoyle's games. N. Y., Ogilvie, 1889. i2tno. $1.25. New ed. rev. N. Y., Dick, 1892.

Hutchison, G. A., ed. Boy's own bonk of indoor games & recreations. Ph., Lippincott, 1888. il. 8vo. $1.75.

Issauchow, H. Les jeux du foyer. P., Ma- zeyrie, i8gi. i8mo.

James, W. P. Social sports; or holiday amuse- ments. i8mo. $0.25.

Jones, Miss Whitmore. Games of patience for one or more players. N. Y., C. Scribner's Sons, 1897. 260 pp. i2mo. New ed. $1.40.

Lady's oracle: Pastimes for social parties & the family circle. Ph., T. Bliss. $1.25.

Lawford, Louisa. Every girl's book : amusements (or recreation in home circles. N. Y., Rout- ledge. i6mo. il. $1.25.

Leske, Marie, lllusuiertes Spielbuch f. Madchen. Unterhaltende u. anreg. Belustiggn,, Spiele u. Beschafti^gn. f. Korper u. Geist, im Zim- mer sowie im Freien, 15. Aufi. Mit 600

Text-Abbildgn Lp., O. Spamer, 1894.

406pp. Svo. M. 4.

Leslie, Eliza. American girl's book; or occupa- tion for play hours. N. Y., Worthington, 1897. T2mo. 16th ed. $1.25. (1st ed. Bo., 1834.)

Lewis, A. J. Drawing-room amusements & evening party entertainments. N. Y., Routledge, 1890. i2mo. $1.50.

Mackarness, Mrs. H., ed. Every girl's book: manual of amusements, exercises, etc. L., Routledge, 1896. Svo. il. 3s. 6d.

Mackarness, Mrs. M. A. (Miss Planche). Young ladies' book: occupations, games, & amuse- ments. N. Y., Routledge, 1875. lamo. il. $3.50.

Mackarness, Mrs. H., cd. Young ladies' book : manual of amusements, exercises, etc. L., Routledge & Sons, 1S75. Svo. 10s. 6d.

Magnus. Le magicien amateur: Tours de phy- sique amusante. P., Noizette, 1S97. II. Svo. f. 4.

Maurage, M. A. Les jeux du hasard. Bruxelles, A. Schnee, 1858. i6mo. f. i.

Modern Hcyle. N. Y., Street & Smith, 1891. i6mo. $0.25.

Modern outdoor amusements. . . . L., Frederick Wame & Co.. 1870. lamo. is.

Nemo. Recreations du foyer, Lyon, Tiisitt, 1891.

Svo. 24 pp. One hundred & sixteen games, N. Y., Fischer.

32mo. $0.50. Parents' cabinet of amusements, ed. by C. Hill.

L., W. H. Allen, 1888. 6 v. Svo. 3s. 6d. ea. Parlor fit playground amusements. Bo., Graves,

Locke & Co. i2mo. $1.50, Parlour games, ed. by F. G. Green. L., Dean., 60

pp. i2mo. IS. Patience entries with examples. L., De La Rue,

1889. 4to. i6s. Patiences (les) passe temps recre.itifs. Geneve,

Cherbuliez, 1881. in 12. f. i. Peep show, amusement & instruction for young.

L., Strahan, 1875. 2 v. Svo. 3s. & 4s. 6d. Planche. F. d'Arros. Amusement without end.

L., Dean & Son, 1875. Svo. 5s. Planche, F. d'Arros. Evening amusements for

everyone. Ph., Porter & Coates. 1886. i2mo.

$1.50. Play-room album for children. L., Routledge,

1876. i6mo. il. 3s. 6d. Ranch, Else v. Das grosse Buch der Gesell-

schafts- Spiele. Reichhaltigste Sammlg der

neuesten Unterhaltungsspiele f. die Familie u.

gesell. Kreise. B., H. Steinitz, 189S. 200 pp.

8vo. M. 1.50 Ricliter, Max. Der unverwiistliche Gesellschafter

wie er sein muss! Ein uniibertreffl. Rathgeber

f. Jung u. Alt, Hcrren u. Damen, sich in Ge-

sellschaften, im Zimmer u. aiif Landpartieen

zu belustigen, Nebst e, reichhalt. Sammlg.

der neuesten u. besten Gesclischafts-, Ftan-

der-, Reim- u. Wortspielen, Zauberkunstcn,

Commando des Contradanse u. Quadrillea al

cour, etc. 22. Aufl. B., S. Modes Verl.,

1898. 168 pp. Svo. M. 1.50. Rook, E. C. & L. J. Tableaux, charades, &

pantomimes. Ph., Penn. Pub. Co., 1889

i2mo. $0.50. Rook, E. C. Young folks' entertainments. Ph..

Nat. Sch. Elocu., 1886. i6mo. Rosbach, K.ath. Frdhliche Stunden im festlichen

Kreise. Beliebte Szenen u. Spiele f. Weih-

nachten, Namenstage, Jubilaen u. Hochzeiten

f. Familien-, Vereins- u. Schulfeste. Kdln, J.

Zacher, 1895. 275 pp. izmo. ^L r.So. Round games tor all parties. L., Bogue, 1S54.

2o3 pp. Sartorius, Erich. Das Buch der Spiele u. Unter-

haltungen im Freien u. im Zimmer, fiir Kna-

ben u. Madchen. Styrum, A. Spaarmann. 48

pp. i8mo. M. 0.30. Sherwood, Mrs. M. E. W. Art of entertaining.

N. Y.. Dodd. Mead & Co., 1892. i2mo. $1,50. Sherwood, Mrs. M. E. W. Home amusements. N.

Y., Appleton, 1881. i2mo. $0.60. Slade, Mrs. .%L B.C. Childrens' hour: dialogues,

speeches, motion songs, juvenile comedies, &

other entertainments. Bo., Young, 1880. i6mo.

Smiley. Mrs. A. E. Fifty social evenings. N. Y,,

Hunt & Eaton. 1894. nar. S. $0.25. Smith, Mrs. C. L. .\merican home book of in- door games, recreations, & occupations. Bo.,

Lee Si: Shepard. $1.50. Sociable (The) ; or looi home amusements. N .Y„

Dick & Fitzgerald. i2mo. il. $1.50. Standard Hoyle: guide to all games of chance &

skill. N. Y., Excelsior Pub. House, 1887.

i2mo. $1.50. Staugenberger"s (Johs.) Spiele f. die Volksschule.

6. Aufl. Lp., J. Klinkliardt, 1S95, :ii pp. Svo.

(11 Abbildgn.) M. I. Steele, Silas S. Book of drawing-room plays &

evening amusements. Ph., Desilver. i2mo.

$1.50- Tab'e games. N. Y,, Routledge, 1894. i2mo.
