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SEPTEMBER 15, 1906

absorbed—and it must be remembered that one-half of this gues at once as expenses tv the Vicegerent who in.tiates him, and that another $2 goes immediately for the button which we send him, to say nothing of the handbook and the express charges on trunk and other inevitable expenses in- curred in hcelding the concatenation—that member becomes a continuous source of expeuse and not of revenue, a burden to be borne and not a support to be leaned on —in short, a liability and not an asset from a financial standpo.nt.

The Scrivenoter’s report continued its advocacy of putting the Bulletin on a_ subscription basis by an exhibit of the average cost of ‘‘old’’ members to the ‘*new,’’ and he recommends the adoption of one of the three following plans:

First, by increasing the dues of all members. :

Second, by abolishing the Bulletin entirely cr reducing it to a mere leaflet, chronicling the routine news of the order.

Third, the plan suggested—briefly that of contiauing to make the paper worth the mo.ey, and then gett.ng the money for it.

The Serivenoter concluded his report by advocating the ado tion of the third plan, as follows:

I firn ly believe our little paper to be a welcome visitor to hundreds, if not thousands, of our members, and that it his been a potent force in keeping alive and spreauing afar the interest in [loo loo and in’ building up its splendid membership. I bel.eve the paper is read and appreciated by many hundreds of our very best members —those taking the deepest interest in every feature of the order's welfare. I also tirmly believe, from hundreds of letters received, and particularly from the number of these received from mem- bers who volunteer to remit “for subscription to the Lrul- let.n,’ under the assumption that there is a bona tide sub- scription price, that there are uow enough men in Lluv-Lloo ready and willing to pay the small subscr.ption price to quite relieve the order of the heavy expense of the publica- tion of the paper. If these surmisesS prove, upon trial, to be correct, | see no reason why still further improvements, adding to the value and interest of the paper, might not be made that would now be unwise even to attempt.

Appointments of Committees.

The following committees were then appointed:

Good of the order—P. B. Walker, John S. Bonner, N. 8. Dariing, R. W. English. 5 . ’

Constitution aud bylaws—W. E. Barns, N. A. Gladding, c. Db. Rourke, W. Ll. Norris. aa

Resoiut.ons—L. F. Cobb. W. R. Anderson, W. W. Everett.

I'lace of next meeting—George E. Loule, E. 8. boggess, S. Ll. Bolinger. :

Auditung—E. LH. Habighorst, C. A. Glore, O. Il. Rectanus.

With the appointment of the committees the first session was concluded.

Some Afte:ncon Entertainments.

A badger fight was ‘‘ pulled off’’ last night and was literally a howling suecess. To a Mississippian, it is repoited, fell the honor of releasing the badger.

The annual concatenation had been scheduled for the afternoon of Monday, but was postponed until night, as counter attractions of steer roping contests and Lasekall mutch drew the crowds,

A reception was extended the visiting ladies at the residence of Mrs. T. H. Regers on Monday afternoon from 2 to 4 o’clock. Many Oklahoma City ladies as- sisted the hostess in receiving the guests and the affair was a most enjoyable one.

The Annual Concatenaticn.

The 1906 annual concatenation was notable for many things, but more especially for the size of the eluss of candidates, these numLering eighty-two., R. D. Inman acted as Sna:k and C. D. Rourke as Junior, and with a full nine conferred the initiation upon the andidates. At the conclusion of the concatenation

¢ special cars carried the old eats and kittens to Delmar garden, where an enjoyable session on the roof was held.

Aside from the amusement features formerly an- nounced, various functions of a social nature are being held with local Hoo-Hoo as hosts and hostesses. T. H. Rogers is the butt of consideraLle joking Le- eause of his recommendation prior to the annual that delegates should bring wraps with them, promising cool weather Saturday and Sunday. The heat was ost uncomfortable, but was followed by cooler <veather today. The delegates from the east, north and west are much surprised at the up to date appear- ance of Oklahoma City, the entcrprise of its people ew. All of the better class of hotels are c:owiled, but the local committees have found accommodations for all and on this score there is no complaint.

PROCEEDINGS OF TUESDAY. (Special telegram to the AMERICAN LUMBERMAN.) OKLAHOMA CiTy, OKLA., Sept. 11.—Tuesday morn- ing’s business session was called to order at 10:30. Half an hour was consumed in reading letters and telegrams from absent members. Several of these, suggesting changes in the constitution, nominations of officers, appointments of Vicegerents and choice of the next meeting place, were referred to the appropriate committees. Following his annual custom, James ‘*Hoot mon’’ Lightbody, of Glasgow, Scotland, sent a letter enclosing a sprig of heather to ke presented to the prettiest lady in attendance at'the annual. The ehoice has not yet formally been made. Among the letters of regret was one from J. E. Long dated from the City of Mexico. The committees on auditing and constitutional by- laws anounced that they were not ready to report.


The following were reported by the committee on resolutions and adopted:

1. That the thanks of the order are due to the resident Iloo-Hoo committees for their never tiring efforts to make our visit to Oklahoma City a pleasurable success.

2. That the thanks of Hoo-Iloo are due to the committee of ladies who have done their best to make it pleasant for joa visiting ladies who came with the members of our order.

3. That it is for the best interest of Hoo-Hoo that no badges be given out at annual meetings except. to regular members and the ladies in their parties, and that the members be enjoined not to give away badges so received. 4, That it is with the deepest regret that we, in looking

back over the past year, note the names of so many of our brothers who have finishcd this life's work and have passed into the great unknown. Iu looking over the list each cf the committee fuund the names of some he was deeply interested in, and we feel that we could make vo special mention cf any cne, 2s we realize that all to a greater or less extent hold warm places in our hearts. As we try to look into the tuture, we hoow that all must go the same way.

Strange is it not? that of the myriads who

lefore us passed the door of darkness through

Not one returns to tell us cf the road

Which to discover we must travel through.

A list of fifty-eight names of decedents was read with the above resolution. Members called the names of others not on the list, and it was o-dered that the additional names ke reported to the Scrivenoter to be added to the list and printed with the official report.

A special resolution on the death of Frank Butt, of Oklahoma City, a loyal member, was offered and was unanimously adopted.

Other Committee Reports.

The following resolutions were referred to the com- mittee on constitution and bylaws:

That membership cards be issued annually to members in gud «rder ard no member be admitted to concatena- tions without the same.

That the annual dues be raised to $1.99 to admit of the covering of expenses incident tu alte:ations in our policy and procedure.

Both of the above resolutions caused spirited debate, in which many present expressed their views.

A resolution to the effect that the convention shall not consider invitations fiom any locality to hold next year’s annual at such locality, this to take effect at once, evoked a storm of protest. The committee ex- plained that the object was not to deprive delegates of the privilege of urging the claims of their favo:ite towns but to shut out the arguments of commercial bodies which wished to get conventions to boom their towns. In a lengthy debate, principally adverse to the resolution, it was tal led.

Platt B. Walker, jr., read a report for the commit- tee on good of the order. He stated that the commit- tee on resolutions had practically covered the ground; he thought that its duties were simply to report con- gratulatory resolutions. However, he read the report of his committee, which was referred as a whole with- out dekate to the committee on constitution and by- laws.

W. E. Barns announced that the committee on con- stitution would meet in the afternoon end receive sug- gestions from memke:s. N.S. Darling announced that the team which is to conduct the ceremony of the embkalming of the Snark would meet at 2 o’clock. At 1 o’clock the meeting took a recess to extend to Y o’clock Wednesday morning,


The polo game and other entertainments announced for 2:30 p. m. at Coleord Park drew a large crowd. The game was watched with interest, Lut the roping contest which had Leen contemplated was omitted owing to adverse public sentiment. In the evening the vaudeville show at the theater in Delmar garden was well attended. At its conclusion a heavy rainfall started the crowd for home.


OKLAHOMA CiTy, OKLA., Sept. 12.—Wednesday morn- ing’s business session opened at 9:30. The first busi- ness han:lled was that relative to the site for the An- nual of 1907. Atlantic City, N. J.; Little Rock, Ark., and Norfolk, Va., each had its representatives who eloquently offered the claims of their cities. The mat- ter being krought to a vote Atlantie City was found to have a kig majority, and it was made the unani- mous choice.

Amending the Constitution.

W. E. Barns, for the committee on constitution and bylaws, offered an amendment to article 3, section 7, to the effect that it should read that ‘‘the annual dues shall be $1.65, of which amount 65 cents shall be appliel as an annual subscription to the Bulletin.’’ Article 8, section 1, the committee recommended should be amended ky inse:ting after the words ‘‘ for the year ensuing’’ the following:

The Scrivenoter shall issue as a receipt for dues a special ecard, and no member shall .be admiited to any meeting or — who does not present such card after January

The committee recommended that as many Hoo-Hoo do not know or understand what already is in the constitution it would ke well for each memher to read that document carefully at least once a year.


A resolution was offered from the floor, and adopted, that the local members and all people of Oklahoma City receive the thanks of the convention for the courtesies shown it.

San Francisco’s representative, in an eloquent speech which disclosed the appreciation of the fiater- nity in that city, returned to the order $2,000 sent by it at the time of the disasters in April. He expressed the thanks of the San Francisco Hoo-Hoo for the aid so generously offered, which fortunately was not urgently needed, as the coast lumbermen had come to the relief of their brethren. This amount will be re- turned to the distress fund.

Snark Inman. vacated the chair to speak in behalf of the claims of Seattle as a good site for the Annual of 1909. He referred to the big Seattle exposition to be held at that time as an added attraction.

A motion was offered and passed that at future Annuals the concatenation fund be treated the same

as at ordinary concatenations. For seveial years all receipts at the annual concatenation have keen given to the local committees, at a considerable loss to the order.

Election of Officers.

The election of officers was next ealled for. Arthur Clark Ramsey, of St. Louis, Mo., was unanimously chosen Snark. lor the office of Senior Hoo-Hoo W. T. Stephenson and T. H. Rogers were placed in nomi- nation. Mr. Stephenson deciined, and at his urgent request his name was withdrawn. Mr. Rogers was then elected unanimously. This was the only sem- Llance of a contest in the annual election, the re- mainder of the entire Nine keing elected under a sus- pension of the rules, the Scrivenoter casting the bal- lot. The roster of the new Nine is as follows:

A. C. Ramsey, St. Leuis, Mo. H. Rogers, Oklahoma City, Okla. Junior Hoo Hco—W. W. Everett, San Francisco, Cal. l’o,um—George M. Duncan, lHlouston, Tex. Scrivenoter—J. H. Baird, Nashville. Tenn.

Snark of the Universe Senior lloo-Hoo — T.

- Jdabberweck—Charles Wolflin, Evansville, Ind.

Custocatian—George E. Youle, Seatile, Wash. Arcancper—John L. Alcock, Baltimore, Md. Gurdon—R. W. Volk, Little Rock, Ark.

With the election of officers the formal program for the Annual of 1906 was closed and the meeting adjourned sine die.


At 2 p. m. an automobile ride was given the ladies of the delegation, starting from the Threadgill hotel. A trolley ride was kegun at the same time for the men of the order. Variovs points of interest of Okla- homa City and surroundings were visited and both rides were thoroughly enjoyed.

The installation program, beginning at 8 p. m., was followed out as previously arranged, with some addi- tions. Prior to the ceremony Nels Darling gave sev- eral recitations and the Apollo Club rendered vocal selections.

Past Snark W. Hl. Norris was embalmed and Ed M. Veitmeier was creirated by proxy, George E. Youle acting as his substitute. The ceremony devised by Seer of the House of Ancients Bolling Arthur John- son was carried out in full in a perfeet manner. The principal characters in the installation proceedings were the following:

Seer—W. E. Barrs.

Talking Sph nx—-W. W. Everett.

Spirit of Geed Fellowship—oO. I. Rectanus.

The cremation and emlalming ecremonies were also appropriately handled by the Priests of the Osirian Cloister.


Puter Tells of Land Frauds.

PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 7.—During the trial of the Blue Mountain forest reserve fraudulent timber entry case the prosecutor for the government put on the stand Stephen A. Douglas Puter, who is now serving a two years’ sentence in the Multnemah county jail fer conspiracy to defraud the United States government of its public lands. Readers of the AMERICAN LUMBERMAN will remember the account of Mr. Puter's operations in procuring timber tracts by fraud and also his arrest, trial and conviction. Puter attributed his sentence to his desertion by the men who had been associated with him in his various shady transactions and swore to “get even” at any cost. He had his chance yesterday, for his testimony implicated men of high standing in the business, professional and political life of Oregon.

According to Mr. Puter, the Blue Mountain forest reserve was created as the result of the efforts of certain unscrupulous men who intended to acquire their pick of the land for practically nothing, the money they did pay not going to the government. Those involved by the testimony of the man who probably was the shrewdest land stealer who ever operated upon the Pacific coast are F. P. Mays, a prominent attorney, the late Senator Mitchell, of Oregon; Binger Hermann, former commissioner of the general land office; Willard N. Jones, John Hall, former United States attorney; Edwin Mays. former assistant United States attorney: George C. Brownell, political boss of Clackamas county and many times state senator; George Sorenson and Fred A. Kribs.

The testimony adduced from Puter for the prosecution came from a very willing witness. The facts that out of the ten or a dozea men who for a number cf years had fleeced the government he had been the one selected 'o bear the pun shment and that his associates who had been equally guilty with himself and had profited by the schemes they had all participated in were still free had not served to sweeten the temper of the chief conspirator and the testi mony which he gave incriminating the men who had forsakew him in his extremity was not marked by any leniency. Le was perfectly frank regard.ng his connection with the law breaking combinations and was equally so in detailing their complicity in the various projects for acquiring title te timber belonging to the government. ‘The testimony of the witness ‘did not stop with the Blue Mountain case: in fact it dealt’ almost entirely with operations anterior to the creation of this reserve. It is unnecessary to go into the details of the charges made by the prisoner-witness. The case is not completed and the decision has not been giver and while so far evidence in substantiation of what Mr Duter testified to does not seem to be lacking, an opinion expressed at this time would be necessarily ex parte an: could not do full justice to the defendant. Mr. Puter claims that in these reserve cases the friud s‘arted with the cir- culation of a petition for the setting aside of the reserva tion: that the latter included agricultural and mineral lands while the petition alleged that the tract was purely a for ested area. He claims that locators were hired to file ox claims for a cash payment of $100 and that natents wer? rushed through by fraudulent use of the general land office: that favorable legis'ation was purchased throvgh politica! in@vence and that the guaranties of a “fixed’ jury and prose cutor were also paid for, the price being accepted by mes who at that time stood far above suspicion.

The following dispatch was received Thursday evening of this week:

PORTLAND, ORE., Sept. 13.—State Senator Franklin Pierce Mays. former Rerresertative Willard N. Jones and George Sorenson stand convicted in the Blue mountain land fraud ease. The verdict finds a'l three defendants guilty of con spiracy to defraud the government of lends in connection with the creation of the Blue mountain forest reserve.