Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/110

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American Seashells

Gulf of Mexico and the West Indies.

1+12 to 2 inches in length and width. Umbilicus sealed over. Sculpture of finely beaded, small spiral threads. Characterized by a relatively short but wide slit at the periphery of the body whorl just behind the outer lip. Color dull orange-yellow with darker maculations. Base white. Interior slightly pearly. Dredged from 73 to 130 fathoms. One of our rarest seashells.

SubgenusEntenmotrochusP. Fischer 1885

Perotrochus adansonianus Crosse and Fischer
Adanson’s Pleurotomaria
Plate 3d

Cuba and the Lesser Antilles.

3 inches in length, and slightly more in width. Umbilicus round, very deep. Sculpture of coarsely beaded, moderately small spiral threads. Slit on periphery of whorl narrow and very long (½ of a whorl). Color cream with a salmon blush and irregular, small patches of red. Base similarly colored. Dredged from 94 to 100 fathoms, but sometimes brought up in fish traps. This is an exceedingly rare species.

Family Halotidae
GenusHaliotisLinné 1758

Haliotis cracherodi Leach
Black Abalone
Plate 2f

Coos Bay, Oregon, to Lower California.

6 inches in length, oval, and fairly deep. Outer surface smoothish, except for coarse growth lines. Usually 5 to 8 holes are open. External color bluish to greenish black. Interior pearly-white. A fairly abundant, edible species although not fished commercially to any great extent. A littoral species which clings to rocks between tide marks. Some shells may lack the holes (unnecessarily named H. c. holzneri Hemphill, H. c. imperforata Dall and H. c. lusus Finlay). A subspecies, H. c. californiensis Swainson, occurs on Guadalupe Island and is characterized by 12 to 16 very small holes. H. c. bonita Orcutt is the same as this subspecies. H. c. splendidula Williamson is the typical cracherodi.

Haliotis rufescens Swainson
Red Abalone
Plate 2a

Northern California to Lower California.

10 to 12 inches in length, oval, rather flattened. Outer surface rather rough, dull brick-red with a narrow red border around the edge of the shell. Interior iridescent blues and greens, with a large central muscle scar. 3 to 4