Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/328

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American Seashells

I /4 to I % inches in length, similar to say ana, but smaller, more globose, with an oily finish and generally more lightly colored. The Golden Olive or Golden Panama is merely a rare orange form of this species. Sometimes pure white or very dark-brown in color. A common West Indian species. See remarks under say ana. Genus Olwella Swainson 183 1 Distinguished from the genus Oliva by its much smaller shell and in pos- sessing an operculum. Olivella miitica Say Variable Dwarf Olive Plate 22V North Carolina to Florida, Texas and the West Indies. /4 to /4 inch in length, half as wide, with a sharp apex. Strong, glossy callus is present on the parietal wall at the upper end of the aperture. Varia- ble in color: ashy grays and chocolate-browns to yellowish or whitish with wide bluish-gray spiral bands. Sometimes brightly banded with white and browns. A very common species found in warm, shallow waters. Olivella nivea Gmelin West Indian Dwarf Olive Plate iih, j Southeast Florida, the West Indies and Bermuda. V2 to I inch in length, whorls about 7, apex sharply pointed; nucleus small, white, tan or purple. Suture channel is deep and fairly wide; with a strongly concave, etched, spiral indentation on the side of the preceding whorl. Color variable, usually cream-white with orange, tan or purple occur- ring in clumps in a spiral series just below the suture and just above the fasciole (that raised spiral ridge at the base of the shell). Fasciole lacks color. Common from shore to 25 fathoms. Compare with jaspidea which has a more bulbous apex. Olivella jaspidea Gmelin Jasper Dwarf Olive Plate 1 1 -i Southeast Florida to Barbados. % to % inch in length, whorls about 5, apex blunt, nuclear whorls large. Color variable, usually grayish white with small, dull maculations of purplish brown. Fasciole at base of columella with irregular, brown spots and bars. A common West Indian species found in shallow water in sand. Compare with nivea. Olivella moorei Abbott Moore's Dwarf Olive Off Key Largo to Key West, Florida.