Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/375

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Spiratella lesueuri Orbigny Lesueur's Pteropod Figure 64b Cape Cod, Massachusetts, south to Brazil. Indo-Pacific. (N. Lat. 42° to S. Lat. 40°). 1.5 mm. in length, spire elevated somewhat; umbilicus distinct. Shell as long as wide. Spiral lines only around the umbilicus. Spiratella bulmwides Orbigny Bulimoid Pteropod Figure 6^d New York to southern Brazil. (N. Lat. 39° to S. Lat. 40°). 2 mm. in length, spire high, shell twice as long as wide. Umbilicus very indistinct. Lip fragile and often broken. 6 to 7 whorls. Spiratella inflata Orbigny Planorbid Pteropod Figure 64h Cape Cod, Massachusetts, to Argentina. (N. Lat. 42° to S. Lat. 40°). 1.5 mm. in length, spire depressed, with the globose whorls in one plane to give a planorboid shape. Limacina scaphoidea Gould is this species. Family PERACLIDAE Genus Feracle Forbes 1844 Shell fragile, with sinistral or left-handed whorls (resembling the fresh- water pond snail, Physa); aperture very large and elongated; columella pro- longed into an elongate rostrum; no umbilicus. Operculum thin, paucispiral, sifiistral and subcircular in outline. There are only two species in the genus. PeracUs Pelseneer is the same genus. Feracle reticulata Orbigny Reticulate Pteropod Figure 64g Worldwide, pelagic. (40° N. to 20° S.). 4 mm. in length, brownish yellow, sinistral and with 4 whorls. Suture deep. The surface exhibits a raised hexagonal reticulation, the sides of the hexagons bearing a regular row of minute teeth. P. physoides Forbes and P. clathrata Eyd. and Soul, are the same. Feracle bispinosa Pelseneer Two-spined Pteropod Figure 6ii Atlantic, pelagic. (38° N. to 28° S.). 7 mm. in length, milky-white, similar to reticulata, but with a wide,