Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/388

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American Seashells

Acanthodoris brunnea MacFarland Pacific Brown Doris Monterey Harbor, California. % inch in length, somewhat like our figure of A. pilosa (pi. 15b). Some- what broader at the anterior end. Brown tubercles on back rounder, fewer, not as pointed. Back brown with flecks of black and with small spots of lemon-yellow between the tubercles. Rhinophores deep blue-black, tipped with yellowish white. Club with 20 to 28 obliquely slanting leaves. 7 bran- chial plumes, wide-spreading, bipinnate. About 10 tubercles are included within the rosette, 4 or 5 of them large and enclosing the anal papilla. An- terior margin of back is yellow. 24 to 28 rows of radular teeth. No centrals. First pleural large, with 14 to 19 denticles on the inner border. 6 to 7 other smaller pleural teeth. Dredged 30 to 60 fathoms. Genus Adalaria Bergh 1878 Adalaria proxhim Alder and Hancock Yellow False Doris Plate 15! Arctic Seas to Eastport, Maine. Europe. V2 inch in length; deep yellow, white or yellow-orange. Back covered with stout, subclavate, or elliptical bluntly pointed tubercles, set at a little distance apart, and mixed with smaller ones. Calcareous spicules appear through the skin, radiating from the tubercles. Rhinophores with 1 5 leaves reaching almost to the base. Margin of sheath smooth. Branchial plumes 11. 40 rows of radular teeth. No central tooth. First pleural large, sickle-shaped, other II small and plate-like. Uncommon (?) in New England. Family OKENIIDAE Genus Ancula Loven 1846 Ancula cristata Alder Atlantic Ancula Plate i5f Arctic Seas to Massachusetts. Europe. Yz inch in length, of a transparent watery white, smooth. Rhinophores with 8 to 10 leaves. 3 branchial plumes, tripinnate. Labial armature of rows of imbricated hooks. Radula narrow, center naked, 25 to 27 rows of teeth; inner pleural large, denticulate on the inner margin. Outer pleural tooth small, smooth. A. sulpJmrea Stimpson is probably this species. On the north- west coast of Florida there is a Polycera {hummi Abbott) which superficially resembles this species in external features, but its radula indicates its true relationships.