Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/447

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secondary rib in between. Between these large ribs there are 15 to 1 8 tiny, spined ribs, 3 of which are on the large secondary rib. Color variable: solid rose, pink, white, light yellowish and blends of all these. Commonly dredged in shallow waters. Chlamys hindsi Dall Hinds' Scallop Plate 34I Alaska to off San Diego, California. 2 X.0 1V2 inches in size; with microscopic reticulations between the ribs either near the beaks or the margins of the valves. Left valve (without the byssal notch) with numerous primary ribs, each bearing 3 rows of spines, and with a secondary spined rib between. Right valve flattish, usually lighter- colored, and with fewer ribs which are smoothish, rounded and inclined to be grouped in pairs. The reticulate sculpturing is best seen on this side. Color variable: light-rose, mauve, lemon-yellow, pale-orange and blends of these. A rather common species dredged in shallow water down to 822 fathoms. Chlmnys islandica Miiller Iceland Scallop Plate 27I Arctic Seas to Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts. Alaska to Puget Sound, Washington. 3 to 4 inches in length, not quite so wide. Long hinge ear is twice the length of the short one. Valves moderately convex to flattish. With about 50 coarse, irregular ribs which split in two near the margin of the valve. Rarely, the ribs are grouped more or less in groups of twos, threes or fours. Color usually a dirty-gray or cream, but some are quite attractively tinged with peach, yellow or purplish both inside and out. A very common species offshore on the continental shelf. Genus Leptopecten Verrill 1897 Leptopecten latianratus Conrad Kelp-weed Scallop Plate 34! Point Reyes, California, to Lower California. About I inch in size, thin, lightweight, with 12 to 16 squarish ribs. Ears strongly pointed at the ends. Color varies from translucent yellowish to chestnut-brown; commonly mottled with white. The subspecies monothneris Conrad has rounded ribs which form broad corrugations on the shell and it has less acutely pointed ears. This is a common species found attached to kelp weeds, stones and bottoms of boats. Sometimes spelled latiauritus.