Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/593

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Guide to the Molluscan Literature

The Anatomy of the Gastropod Crepidula adunca Sowerby. C. E. Moritz. 1938. Ujiiv. Calif. Piibl. ZooL, vol. 43, no. 5, pp. 83-92, 6 figs. The Anatomy of Acmaea testudinalis Aluller. Al. A. Willcox. 1906. Amer. Nat., vol. 40, pp. 1 71-187, 4 figs. (External anatomy.) The Prosobranchiate Mollusca; A Functional Interpretation of Their Structure and Evolution. C. M. Yonge. 1939. Philos. Trans. Royal Soc. London, ser. B, no. ^66, vol. 230, pp. 79-147. IHus. Reproduction and Development Sexual Differentiation in Mollusks. W. R. Coe. 1943-44. Q^'art. Review Biology, vol. 18, pp. 154-164; vol. 19, pp. 85-97. Large bibliography. Sur le Dimorphism Sexual des Coquilles. Ed. Lamy. 1937. Journ. de Conchy I. , vol. 81, pp. 283-301. Illus. Reproduction and Larval Development of Danish Marine Bottom Inverte- brates. . . . GuNNAR Thorson. 1 946. Mcdd. Komm. Danmarks Fisk.-Ha- vund. Series on Plankton, vol. 4, no. i, pp. 1-523. (34 pp. of bibliography.) The Embryology of Fulgur: A Study of the Influence of Yolk on Development. E. G. CoNKLiN. 1907. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1907, pp. 321-358, 6 pis. The Development of a Mollusk. B. E. Dahlgren. 1906. Amer. Mus. Journ., vol. 6, pp. 28-53. (Illus. of models.) Early Development of Haminea. R. E. Leonard. 191 8. Publ. Puget Sound Biol. Sta., vol. 2, no. 34, pp. 45-63, 5 pis. The Embryology of Patella. W. Patten. 1885. Arbeit. Zoolog. Inst., Wien, vol. 6, pp. 149-174, 5 pis. Egg-Cases and Larvae The Egg Capsules of Certain Neritidae. E. A. Andrews. 1935. Journ. Morph., vol. 57, no. I, pp. 31-54, 3 pis. Egg Capsules and Development of Some Marine Prosobranchs from Tropical West Africa. J. Knudsen. 1950. Atlantide Report (Copenhagen), no. i, pp. 85-130. (Large bibliography.) The Eggs and Larvae of Some Prosobranchs from Bermuda. AL V. Lebour. 1945. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, vol. 114, pp. 462-489, 43 text-figs. Biologic et Ponte de Alollusques Gasteropodes Neo-Caledoniens. J. Risbec. 1935. Bidl. Soc. Zool. de France, vol. 60, pp. 387-417. Illus. Spawning of the Whelk [Busycon canaliculata]. L. B. Spencer. 1910. Zool. Soc. Bull., N.Y., no. 38, pp. 637-638. (Two photos of process.) Studies on the Egg-Capsules and Development of Arctic Aiarine Prosobranchs. GuNNAR Thorson. 1935. Komm. Vidensk. Undersog. Gronland, vol. 100, no. 5, pp. 5-71. 75 figs. Studies on the Egg Alasses and Larval Development of Gastropoda from the Iranian Gulf. Gunnar Thorson. 1940. Danish Sci. Invest. i?i Iran, pt. 2, pp. 159-238, 32 figs. Spawning of Fulgur perversus [Busycon contrarium]. J. Willcox. 1885. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 1885, pp. 1 19-120.