Page:American Seashells (1954).djvu/610

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Orange-tipped Eolis, 308, pi. 15) Orbigny's Barrel-bubble, 282, pi. 26q Orbigny's Sun-dial, 142, pi. 21X Orcutt's Caecum, 149, fig. 37-I Oregon Triton, 194, pi. 24g Ornamented Spindle, 243, pi. iic Ornate Scallop, 363, pi. 34b Orpheus Trophon, 208, fig. 466 Otto's Spiny Margarite, no Oval Corbula, 456 Owl Limpet, see Giant Owl Limpet, lOI Oyster Drills, species of, 213 Oysters, species of, 373-375, pis. 28, 29 Oyster Turret, 270, pi. 26n Pacific Awning Clam, 333 Pacific Bob-tailed Squid, 479 Pacific Chinese Hat, 169, pi. 20-I Pacific Cleft Clam, 384, fig. 77a Pacific Crenulate Nut Clam, 335 Pacific Gaper, 450, pi. 31Z Pacific Grooved Alacoma, 434 Pacific Half -slipper Shell, 170, pi. 20k Pacific Left-handed Jewel Box, 393 Pacific Mud Piddock, 461 Pacific Orange Hoof -shell, 166 Pacific Orb Diplodon, 383 Pacific Pink Scallop, 364, pi. 34k Pacific Plate Limpet, 104 Pacific Razor Clam, 442, pi. 29y Pacific Rough Piddock, 462 Pacific Spear Scallop, 364, pi. 34) Pacific Thorny Oyster, 370, pi. 36a Pacific White Venus, 416 Painted Balloon Eolis, 310, pi. i5h Pamted Canthanis, see Tinted Can- tharus, 233 Painted Limpet, 104 Painted Spindle, 244, fig. 54c Pale Northern Moon-shell, 190, fig. 43c Pale Tulip, see Banded Tulip, 242 Pallial sinus, definition of, 84 Panama Horse Conch, 242 Panamanian Vase, 245 Pandoras, species of, 469 Panelled Tusk, 328 Panther Cowrie, 7 Paper-bubbles, species of, 276, 283 Paper Fig Shell, see Common Fig Shell, 200 Paper Mussel, 353, pi. 28i Paper Nautilus, Common, 485, pi. ic egg laying, 49 Paper Scallop, 362 Paper Spoon Clam, 472, pi. 28W Papillose Eolis, 308, pi. i5g Parasitism, 19, fig. 4 of sea cucumber, 23 Parietal wall, definition of, 76 Partridge Tun Shell, see Atlantic Par- tridge Tun, 199 Pea-pod Borer, see Falcate Date Mussel, 356 Pea Strigilla, 429 Index Pearl Oyster, Atlantic, 359, pi. 35c Pearly Jingle, see Peruvian Jingle Shell, 372 Pearly Mania, see False Jingle Shell, 372 Pear-shaped Marginella, 260, fig. 56n Pear Whelk, 236, pi. 9g Pebble-shell, see Lord's Dwarf Venus, 411 Pectens, species of, 361 Pectinate Cuspidaria, 477 Pedicularia, Decussate, 181, pi. 7d Pelagic mollusks, Janthina, 17 pteropods, 17 Pelecypod features, 81 Pelican's Foot, American, 173, pi. 23c Penciled Dove-shell, 221 Pender's Nut Clam, 339 Pennsylvania Lucina, 385, pi. 38h Pen Shells, species of, 360 structure of, 34 Periostracum, definition of, 77 Peristome, definition of, 75 Periwinkles, species of, 132-134, pis. 19, 20 Perry's Drillia, 270 Peruvian Jingle Shell, 372, pi. 29e Perverse Whelk, 236, pi. 23k Pheasants, species of, 126 Philippi's Nutmeg, 253, fig. 55d Phoenicians, 11,12 Piddocks, species of, 461 Pillowed Lathe-shell, see Western Bar- rel-bubble, 281 Pilose Doris, 305, pi. 15b Pilsbry, H. A., 68, 138 Pilsbry's Tusk, 330, fig. 69d Pimpled Diplodon, 383 Pink Abalone, 93, pi. 2c Pink Conch, see Queen Conch, 1 74 Pisa Shell, see A4iniature Triton Trum- pet, 233 Pismo Clam, 412, pi. 3ih, fig. 28d Pitted Murex, 204, fig. 45b Planaxis, species of, 150 Platform Mussel, see Conrad's False Mussel, 382 Plectrum Buccinum, 225, fig. 51a Plee's Stripped Squid, 483 Pleurobranch, Atlantic, 286, fig. 61 Pleurotomarias, 92 Plicate Egg Shell, see Single-toothed Simnia, 182 Plicate Horn Shell, 152, pi. 191 Pliny, 1 1 Pointed Cingula, 136 Pointed Egg Shell, see Common West Indian Simnia, 182 Pointed Marginella, see Common Atlan- tic Marginella, 257 Pointed Nut Clam, 338 Pointed Venus, 409, pi. 39) Poisoning by mussels, 39 Poisonous snails, 4 Polishing shells, 63 Polite Marginella, 258 Ponderous Ark, 346, pi. 272; fig. 28a Popular books listed, 491 Popular names, 85 Poromya, Granular, 475, pi. 30s Porter's Blue Doris, 303, pi. 16-I Portuguese Oyster, 374 Posterior canal, definition of, 76 Poulson's Dwarf Triton, 218, pi. 24k Pourtales' Abalone, 94 Pourtales' Glass Scallop, 369, pi. 27c Precious Wentletrap, 6 Prehistoric uses, 7 Pribiloff Neptune, 230, pi. 24r Prickly Cockle, 397, pi. 39-0 Prickly Jingle Shell, 372 Prickly-winkles, species of, 134 Princess Marginella, 257, fig. 56) Princess Venus, 404, pi. 32m Priority, rule of, 85, 86 Prodissoconch, definition of, 81 Promera Tellin, 424, fig. 86c Pronunciation of scientific names, 87 Propeller Clam, Northern, 453 Protobranchs, species of, 334 Pteropods, species of, 292-299, fig. 64 Punctate Mangelia, 272, fig. 57a Puncturellas, species of, 95, 96 Puppet Margarite, 109, fig. 31c Purple Clam, see Nuttall's Mahoganv Clam, 439 Purple Drill, see Mauve-mouth Drill. 21 1 Purple Dwarf Olive, 247, pi. i2i Purple Dye, 12, 13 Purple-hinged Scallop, see Giant Rock Scallop, 369 Purple Sea-snails, habits, 17 species of, 160, pi. 4 Purplish Pacific Tagelus, 441, pi. 29s Purplish Semele, 435, pi. 40b Purplish Slender Chiton, 320 Purplish Tagelus, 440, pi. 30g Purpuras, species of, 213 Pygmy Colus, 229, pi. 23m Pvrams, species of, 288, figs. 62, 63 Quadrate Paper-bubble, 283, fig. 596 Quahog, Northern, 406, pi. 32h Queen Charlotte Macoma, 433 Queen Conch, 174, pi. 23a Queen Helmet Shell, see Emperor Hel- met, 193 Queen Marginella, 256, fig. 566 Queen Tegula, 120, pi. 3f Queen Venus, 405, pis. 38m, 3211 Quoy's Pleurotomaria, 92 Rachidian tooth, 78 Rachiglossate, 79 Radial sculpture, definition of, 84 Radula, 78, figs. 6, 25 Ragged Sea-hare, 286 Ram^s Horn, see Common Spirula, 478 Rangia, Brown, 450, fig. 91