Cloth, 12mo, $2.00 net; postpaid, $2.12
Psofessor John Graham Brooks:
"I have seen this movement at pretty close hand for so many years that I can judge fairly well, I think, of your analysis and characterization. It is a strong and faithful bit of work. I have rarely enjoyed a book so much with which I so widely differ in its main inferences."
The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science:
"An excellent analysis of Sociallst tactics, in fact the best that has ever been published."—Review by Professor Ira B. Cross.
The American Library Association Booklist:
"A scholarly, detailed study of Socialism as it has been modified by changes in economic conditions since the time of Marx and Engels, based on a twelve years' study in Germany, Great Britain, the United States, France, Italy and Belgium."
The American Economic Review:
"The book reveals an enormous amount of reading and an intimate, inside acquaintance with every phase of the subject.... Mr. Walling points out constantly that extension of state action is not necessarily Socialism.... Certain people are much alarmed at the alleged drift toward Socialism revealed in state reform policies. Others, rightly distressed by the evils of the present industrial order, sympathizing with state action for their alleviation, and misled by certain Socialist writers into believing that such progressive measures are Socialism, align themselves with that party. Both these groups, widely apart as they are, should note the fact clearly brought out by this study, that Socialism is a movement which believes that capitalism, large and small, should be annihilated by a class struggle."—Review by Professor Herbert E. Mills.
Mrs. Charlotte Perkins Gilman, in The Forerunner:
"Scholarly and thorough in treatment ... the whole weight of the book is in support of what may be called orthodox Marxism, and will give pleasure to all Socialists of that division, as well as being of general service in its clear definitions and distinctions."
Professor Charles Zueblin:
"I am enjoying and profiting by your book on Socialism, as I find everybody else has who is reading it. Its analysis is admirable, and I think nobody has stated the trend of things as you have."
The New York Sun:
"Mr. Walling has written a thoughtful book. His manner is judicial, though his attitude toward Socialism is sympathetic. He has allowed no rant to enter into his pages."
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