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A Few Macmillan Books on Socialism



A Summary and Interpretation of Socialist Principles

"Anything of Mr. Spargo's is well worth reading, for it is written with conviction and with a sense of concrete life far removed from mere doctrinairism.... Anybody who wants to know exactly what the American Marxian of the saner sort is aiming at will find it here. In view of the present situation it is a book that every thoughtful person will want to read and read carefully."—World To-day.

Cloth, $1.50 net; by mail, $1.63


Democracy vs. Socialism

A Critical Examination of Socialism as a Remedy for Social Injustice and an Exposition of the Single Tax Doctrine

Mr. Hirsch offers the other side to those who would thoroughly investigate the socialist doctrine. He analyzes the teachings of socialism; points out what he conceives to be the errors in their economic and ethical standpoint; exhibits the conflict between their industrial and distributive proposals, and the disasters toward which they tend. In his final section he aims to show that upon the success of certain social reforms depends the realization of the ultimate object of both individualism and socialism—the establishment of social justice.

Cloth, 8vo, $3.25 net; by mail, $3.39

The Case against Socialism

A Handbook for Speakers and Candidates Prepared by the London Municipal Society

Its prefatory letter from Arthur James Balfour says: "The controversy is one vital to the welfare of society; ... no greater service can be rendered to the cause of ordered progress than a statement, at once careful and popular, of the main points in the dispute."

"Every man or woman, rich or poor, at all interested in the social, economic, and moral welfare of the masses should read it ... the very best handbook of its kind that has been issued to the public."—Labor World.

Cloth, $1.50 net; by mail, $1.62


Socialistic Fallacies

"It is written in the crisp, clear style that is essentially French—the most logical of languages written by the most logical of thinkers. A great book ... one of those which serve to clarify contemporary thought and to make what the German thinkers describe as an 'erklärung'—a clearing up."—The State.

"An arsenal of facts and figures available for an anti-socialistic campaign."—Ecclesiastical Review.

Cloth, $1.50; by mail, $1.63

Publishers 64-66 Fifth Avenue New York