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BY L. E. L.

Glide thou gentle river on,
    But not until I write on thee,
Much of changed, much of good,
    That henceforward I will be.
By thy swift and silver stream,
    Prayers and blessings will I send,
On to yonder glorious haven,
    Where I see thy waters blend.
Careless river, thou has lost
    All I trusted to thy wave;
All my best intents, and hopes,
    In thy depths have found a grave.
Thus it is the waves of time,
    Bear the heart's resolves away,
Useless all, and life's best part
    Thus becomes the spoiler's prey.
Woe for man's weak foolishness,
    Playing thus the infant's part;
Writing that upon the wave,
    Which he should grave on his heart.