Page:An Account of English Ants (Gould, 1747, IA accountofenglish00goul).pdf/11

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Recommendation of them, and more particularly as they had the Honour of your Peruſal and Correction in Manuſcript. The Subject indeed is ſmall, but not inglorious. The Ant, as the Prince of Wiſdom is pleaſed to inform us, is exceeding wiſe. In this Light it may, without Vanity, boaſt of its being related to you, and therefore by right of Kindred merits your Protection. How juſt the Obſervation of Solomon was, this ſhort Series of Experiments may in ſome Meaſure illſtrate; and how juſt the Compariſon is, the World well knows. Your

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