Page:An Account of English Ants (Gould, 1747, IA accountofenglish00goul).pdf/45

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The Hill Queen is not ſo proportionably large: She does not exceed any of her Subjects above three to one. Her Breaſt is rather more yellow, and her Body more ſhining.

The Queen of the Jets I had never the Pleaſure of ſeeing; but from their Manner of Life, and Proceſs of their Young, am inclined to believe ſhe varies from her Attendants in ſuch Proportion as the Red Queens do from theirs.

The red Queen is not above as large again as the reſt of her Colony. The top Part of her Head and Breaſt are black, and varied with a Number of ſhort bright yellow Hairs, which in the Sun often reſemble ſo many Particles of gold Duſt. She is alſo armed with a Sting which is denied to the other Queens. She is of an agile Diſposition, and often appears in Public; for which Reaſon ſhe is probably furniſhed with a Weapon of Defence.

The Yellow, Black, and Hill Queens at different Times of the Year reſide in various Parts of the Colony. In the Winter Seaſon they retire to ſome of the remoteſt Apartments, or however ſeldome venture above the Center of their Cities.

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