shillings, payable by persons on their being admitted into the freedom of the said company, shall annually, or oftener, if required by the said committee, pay and deliver over all such sums, which shall have been paid to them respectively for freedoms in the said company, together with lists of the names and places of abode of the persons from whom they shall have respectively received the same, to the said committee, or as they shall, from time to time, direct.
XVIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That a true and exact list shall, from time to time, be made and kept at the office or place where the said committee shall transact their business in London, of the names and places of abode of all persons admitted into the freedom of the said company, distinguishing the place where each person was admitted; which list shall annually, ten days at least before the annual elections, be printed and delivered, without fee or reward, to such of the persons admitted into the freedom of the said company, who shall desire the same.
XIX. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That no person shall be capable of being chosen, or acting as a committee-man, above three years successively; and two or more persons, who shall be in copartnership in trade, shall not be capable to be chosen or act as committee-men, during the same time or year: and the said nine persons or any of them, shall not, during such time as they shall be of the said committee, in any manner, directly or indirectly, trade jointly, or in copartnership to Africa, or lade, or cause to be laden, any goods partnership, or merchandizes on board the same ship, in which any one of the said nine committee-men shall, for that voyage, have before laden goods to be carried to any place in Africa.
XX. And be it further enacted, That the said committee shall and may, from time to time, invest such part of the money in their hands, as they shall judge necessary, in the purchase of goods and stores, which, after the same are insured, which they are hereby impowered and required to procure to be done, are to be sent and exported to Africa, there to be sold, disposed of, and applied for the sole use, preservation, and improvement of the forts and settlements there, and for the payment of the salaries and wages to the officers, and other persons employed for keeping and preserving the said forts and settlements, and not otherwise: but it shall not be lawful for the said committee to carry, or cause to be carried, or exported from Africa, any negroes, or other goods, in