manner, That it shall and may be lawful for the major part of the freemen of the said company, made free at Bristol, assembled for that purpose at Bristol, from time to time, at their will and pleasure, to choose and supply one or more committee-man or committee-men, in the place or places of any of the committee-men by them chosen, that shall happen to die, be removed, or refuse to act: and that it shall and may be lawful for the major part of the freemen of the said company, made free at Liverpool, assembled for that purpose at Liverpool, from time to time, at their will and pleasure, to choose and supply one or more committeeman, or committee-men, in the place or places of any of the committee-men by them chosen, that shall happen to die, be removed, or refuse to act: and publick notice thall be inserted in the London Gazette, previous to every such election, by the committee for managing the affairs of the said company, of the time and place when and where such election is to be had, ten days at least before the time appointed for such election.
IX. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That in case at the time appointed for the first and other elections of the said committee-men, the traders admitted to their freedom, in any one or more of the said cities and towns respectively, shall neglect to proceed to such choice; in that case, such other of the persons who shall be chosen by the traders admitted to their freedom in the other of the said cities or towns, or the major part of them, though less in number than nine, shall or may act as the committee for managing the affairs of the said company, until the next annual election; and that all elections of committee-men for managing the affairs of the said company, shall be determined by the majority of votes then present; and that in all cases, where the third day of July shall happen to fall or be on a Sunday, the annual election of committee-men shall be had and made on Monday the fourth day of July.
X. Provided always, That in case of an equality of votes, the lord mayor of London, the mayor of Bristol, and the mayor of Liverpool respectively, shall and may determine which of such persons shall be the committee-man or committee-men.
XI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said committee for managing the affairs of the said new company, shall meet together for the first time on the first Monday in August, one thousand seven hundred and fifty, and shall then settle the manner of their