Page:An Address to the Negroes in the State of New-York - Jupiter Hammon - 1806 edition.pdf/4

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To the People of Colour.

THE excellent advice contained in the following Address, which has lately been presented to me, I conceive to be so eminently worthy your serious notice, that I have thought proper to reprint it for your perusal. Coming from one of your own colour, you will naturally receive it with greater interest, and I trust bestow upon it a more patient attention.

Whilst I earnestly request you to treasure up the valuable counsel contained in the Address itself, let me also affectionately exhort you to take heed to your conduct and company. Strive industriously to get learning, to enable you to read these excellent and best of writings, the Sacred Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments; and not only to read, but put in practice, the precepts they contain. To such of you as have not, or are not likely to be so much favoured, still this consolation remains, that, through infinite mercy, every son and daughter of Adam, (as daily and living experience proves) are favoured with a secret something in their own breasts, which reproves for evil, and comforts for well doing. This is nothing short of Christ within, of whom the Scriptures testify, and who condescends to teach his People himself. He is no respecter of persons; but in every nation those that fear God and work Righteousness, shall be accepted.