アエンキック、我ハ打タレシ.アウンキック、吾々ハ打タレシ. When used immediately following the obj. per. pro. en, “me”, or un, “us,” and a verb, it, together with the pronoun should be translated by “I am” and “we are” respectively; for thus is formed the 1st per. sing. and pl. of the passive voice to verbs. Thus:—a-en-kik, “I am struck;” a-un-kik, “we are struck.” But when a en or a un are used before verbs made transitive by the addition of e they should be translated by “me” and “us.” Thus:—a en epotara ki ruwe ne, “they feel anxiety about me” (lit: “I am being felt anxiety about”); a un emik, “they bark at us” (lit: “we are barked at”). A, ア, コノ (ア) A ノ後ニ ne トイフ語ヲオクトキハ第一人稱代名詞ノ複數トナルナリ.例セバ、エレンアネワ、吾々三人. When followed by ne, a represents the 1st. per. pl. pro. thus:—E ren a ne wa, “we three.” But it should also be remembered that under certain conditions eren a ne wa may mean “they three.” Cfo. also etun a ne wa with tun chi ne, “we two.” Literally translated eren a ne wa is, “we being three.” Syn: chi; anokai; chiutara; chiokai utara; this latter sometimes being corrupted into chokai utara. A, ア, 或時 (ア) A ハ代名詞單數第一人稱ヲ示スモノナリ.ケセバ、トカプチウングルアネルエネ、我レハ十勝ノ人ナリ. |
Sometimes a is used for the 1st per. sing. pro. “I.” As, Tokapchi un guru a ne ruwe ne, “I am a Tokapchi man.” Ashinuma anak nei guru kot’turesh a ne ruwe ne, “I am that person’s younger sister.” Under certain conditions of context these illustrations might be translated in the 3rd person. Syn: Ku-ani.
A, ア, 時ニ Koro ナル動詞ト共ニ用ヰルトキハ (A) ア, ハ第三人複數、人代名詞トナル.例セバ、アコロアリキアムベ、彼等ノ持來タリタルモノ. Prefixed to koro, “to possess,” the 3rd per. pl. pro. “they” is formed. Thus, “the things they brought” is, akoro ariki ambe. Such is the idiom but the words mean in fact, “having the things they came.” A, ア, 時ニ Koro(持)ト共ニ用ヰルトキハ第一人稱複數持格代名詞トナル.例セバ、アコロベ、我儕ノモノ. By prefixing a to the verb koro, “to have,” the 1st per. pl. poss. pro. “our” is obtained. Thus:—Akorobe, “our things.” Akoro michi, “our father.” But where there is no danger of ambiguity the koro may be dropped. As:—Shipakari, a uni wa ekbe, “only think; they came from our home!” Syn: Chikoro. A, ア, 時ニ Koro ノ前ニ A ヲ加フルトキハ第一人稱單數持格代名詞トナルナリ、假セバ、アコロサポ、吾ガ姊. But when used with koro, a sometimes represents the 1st per. sing. |
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