when addressing old men. Syn: Achapo; achipo. Achapo, アチヤポ, 叔父、ヲヂ、父、チチ、老人、トシヨリ. n. An uncle. See acha. Achi, アチ, 熱シタル. adj. Cooked. Ripe. Achi, アチ, 他ノ、外ノ. adj. Other. Strange. Belonging elsewhere. Achi, アチ, アル (複数). v.i. Are. Pl. of an “to be.” Achike, アチケ, 陰門. The vagina. The word to be used by a physician is chinuina-korobe. Syn: Chinunuke ambe. Achikka, アチッカ, 滴タル. adj. and v.i. To drop. Dropped as water. v.t. chikka. Achikka, アチッカ, 神ニ捧酒スル禮. n. The ceremony of offering libation to the gods and ancestral spirits. Syn: Icharapa an. Achikka an, アチッカアン, 神ニ捧酒スル禮ヲ爲スコト. v.i. To perform the Achikka ceremony.
Achipiyere, アチピイェレ, 訴ラル、𠴰ラル. v.i. To be accused. To be reminded of one’s faults. Achipiyere guru, アチピヱレグル, 私生子. n. A bastard. Syn: Apiya. Achiye. Chiappise. Achipo, アチポ, 叔父、老人、父. n. Uncle. Father. An old man. Achisei, アチセイ, 他ノ. adj. Other. Strange. Belonging elsewhere. Of another house. Syn: Atchisei.
Achisei un guru, アチセイウングル, 他ノ人、(單數). n. A stranger. A person of another house or village. Syn: Achi-un-guru. Atchi-un-guru.
Achisei un utara, アチセイウンウタラ, 他ノ人、(複數). n. Strangers, (pl: of achisei un guru). Achiu, 刺込ム、サシコム. v.t. To stick in. To drive in.
Achi-un-guru, アチウングル, 他人、(單數). n. A stranger. Achi-un-utara, アチウンウタラ, 他人、(複數). n. Strangers. Achiye, アチヱ, 私生子. n. A bastard. Syn: Apiya. Chiappise. Ae, アエ, 食セラル. v.i. To be eaten. Ae wa isam, “it has been eaten up.” The transitive form is e, “to eat.” Aeahupkarapo, アエアフㇷ゚カラポ, 貰ヒ子、モラヒコ. n. An adopted child. Syn: Ahupkarapo. Aeankes, アエアンケス, 惡マルヽ. v.i. and adj. To be disliked. Hated. Despised. The transitive form is Eankes. Syn: Etunne. Aearamuye, アエアラムイェ, 端折、ハシヨル. v.t. To tie the clothes back as for walking or running. Syn: Ayoaramuye.
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