Amkokomo, アムココモ, ( Japanese characters). v.t. To seize with the hands or claws. Syn: Amkosaye.
Amkosaye, アムコサイェ,
Amkosayo, アムコサヨ,
Amkoshayo, アムコシャヨ,
( Japanese characters). v.t. To seize with the hands or claws.
Amma, アムマ, ( Japanese characters). v.t. To put. To place. Syn: Ama.
Amma, アムマ, ( Japanese characters). part. Being. Same as an-wa.
Am-nishu, アムニシュ, ( Japanese characters). n. A kind of footless mortar.
Amo, アモ, ( Japanese characters). v.i. To be at peace. To be at rest.
Amoini, アモイニ, ( Japanese characters). Same as amunini, n. The forearm.
Amomka, アモカカ, ( Japanese characters). v.i. and adj. To float. To drift. Floating. Afloat. As:—Amomka chip, “A floating boat.”
Amore, アモレ, ( Japanese characters). v.t. To let alone. To let rest. To quiet.
Ampayaya, アムパヤヤ, ( Japanese characters). n. A crab. Syn: Hotempoyaya. Hotemtemu.
Ampiri, アムピリ, ( Japanese characters). n. A scratch. A wound left by a scratch.
Ampiri-o, アムピリオ, ( Japanese characters). v.t. To scratch. To wound with the nails or claws.
Amras, アムラス, ( Japanese characters). n. Nail-parings. Met: a very small portion. “A
jot or tittle.” As:—Amras pak no isam, “there is no the least bit.”
Amse, アムセ,
Amset, アムセツ,
( Japanese characters). n. A throne. A seat. From a-se.
Amsho, アムショ,
Amso, アムソ,
( Japanese characters). n. The entire floor of a house. Syn: Sho. So.
Amshokkara, アムショッカラ, ( Japanese characters). n. A small mat made of large rushes and used to spread over the floor as a seat. Syn: Shokkara. A-putki.
Amsho-shut, アムシヨシュツ, ( Japanese characters). n. The edge of a floor. Syn: Sho-shut.
Amu, アム, ( Japanese characters). n. The fingernails (pl).
Amuchichi, アムチチ, ( Japanese characters). v.t. To scratch. (sing).
Amuchitpa, アムチツパ, ( Japanese characters). v.t. To scratch.
Amunin, アムニン,
Amunini, アムニニ,
( Japanese characters). n. The lower part of the arm. The fore-arm.
Amuraiba, アムライバ, ( Japanese characters). v.i. To fondle a person by rubbing his head.
Amusa, アムサ, ( Japanese characters). b.i. To stroke the head as in salutation.
Amushbe, アムシベ, ( Japanese characters). n. A crab. Any animal, large or small, having claws.