Ashiknure, アシクヌレ, ( Japanese characters). v.i. To be saved. To be made to live.
Ashikopa, アシコパ, ( Japanese characters). adj. Resembling.
Ashikoraye, アシコライェ, ( Japanese characters). v.t. To receive. Syn: Akore.
Ashikore, アシコレ, ( Japanese characters). v.i. To be born.
Ashimbe, アシムベ, ( Japanese characters). n. A fine
Ashimbe-sange, アシムベサンゲ, ( Japanese characters). v.t. To pay a fine.
Ashimbe-sangere, アシムベサンゲレ, ( Japanese characters). v.t. To fine.
Ashimbe-turu, アシムベツル, ( Japanese characters). v.i. To be arranged in a row.
Ashin, アシン, ( Japanese characters). v.i. To go out. To come out.
Ashin, アシン, ( Japanese characters). adj. New. Syn: Ashiri.
Ashinge, アシンゲ, ( Japanese characters). v.t. To send out. To root out. To pluck out. To pull out or up.
Ashinkop, アシンコプ, ( Japanese characters). n. A noose. A knot.
Ashinkop-nere, アシンコプ子レ, ( Japanese characters). v.t. To make into a knot.
Ashin-no, アシンノ, ( Japanese characters). adv. Newly. Again. Afresh. For the first time.
Ashin-no-kara, アシンノカラ, ( Japanese characters). v.t. To renew. To do over again.
Ashinru, アシンル, ( Japanese characters). n. A water-closet. Syn: Soine-ru. Osoine-ru.
Ashinuma, アシヌマ, ( Japanese characters). pro. One'self. I. Syn: Kuani. Yaikata.
Ashiokte, アシオクテ, ( Japanese characters). v.t. To strike against. To get hooked up in.
Aship, アシプ, ( Japanese characters). v.i. To flower. To blossom. (sing.)
Ashippa, アシッパ, ( Japanese characters). v.i. To flower. To blossom. (pl.)
Ashiramkore-guru, アシラムコレグル, ( Japanese characters). n. A friend. An acquaintance.
Ashirekatta, アシレカッタ, ( Japanese characters). To fall down slowly.
Ashiri, アシリ, ( Japanese characters). adj. New. The next. As:—Ashiri-pe, “a new thing”; Ashiri-pa, “a new year.” Syn: Ashiri-an.
Ashirikara, アシリカラ, ( Japanese characters). v.t. To make over again. To renew. Syn: Ashin-no-kara.
Ashirikashurare, アシリカシュラレ,
Ashirikashomare, アシリカショマレ,
( Japanese characters). v.i. To be crowded out.
Ashiriki, アシリキ, ( Japanese characters). v.t. To do again. To renew. Syn: Ashiri-kara.
Ashishirikire, アシシリキレ, ( Japanese characters). v.i. To retire.
Ashiseturuka, アシセツルカ, ( Japanese characters). adv. Over one's back. One one's back. Syn: Asei. Akai.
Ashit, アシツ, ( Japanese characters). n. New. Next. Syn: Ashiri.
Ashitoma, アシトマ, ( Japanese characters). adj. Awful. Dreadful. Fearful.