Charopende, チャロペンデ, (Japanese characters). v.t. To abuse. to scold. to speak against.
Charototke, チャロトッケ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To make a noise (as in weeping). To be fluent. To speak or say. To sing (as a bird). Syn: Chaurototke. Chauchauotke.
Charuge-sande, チャルゲサンデ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be continually going.
Carumbe, チャルムベ,
Parumbe, パルムベ,
(Japanese characters). n. The tongue.
Charushbe, チャルシベ, (Japanese characters). n. A cork or stopper.
Charuwatore, チャルワトレ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To be put in order. Arranged. To be set in rotation. To be put in rows. Syn: Saruwatore.
Chash, チャシ,
Pash, パシ,
(Japanese characters). v.i. To run.
Chashash, チャシャシ, (Japanese characters). v.i. To run swiftly.