Page:An American Girl in India.djvu/292

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The next few days flew by. A lord, the son of a Duke, is a rarity in an Indian Mofussil station, and Slumpanugger was as anxious to see him as Berengaria was to show him off. Lord Hendley certainly saw all the sights. The Fort, the Palace, and the caves, we did them all—at least, we visited all the places, though Berengaria had an annoying habit of finding out when we got back that we had missed seeing the most important thing each time. Whereupon, of course, we expressed the greatest concern, but didn't really care a bit.

We were standing on the deck of the Medusa at last watching Bombay Harbour slowly beginning to recede from sight. Everything had been delightfully arranged. My dear nice Duchess of the Arethusa was chaperoning me, and everybody vied with one another to make things pleasant. Yet I couldn't help just a tinge of regret at leaving India. Great happiness had come to me there, and I had got to love the place for its own sake, short as my stay had been.

'I think I shall know what it means to hear the East a-callin',' I said softly, watching the glorious sweep of coast and clear blue-green waters of the bay as they grew fainter and more miniature-like in the haze of distance. 'I just love India. We must come back some day.'

'Yes,' he said, but I don't believe he was thinking about India at all just then, and he wasn't even looking at the last fair picture of her that was rapidly fading away.

Wherever I am I think I shall always feel in my