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Page:An Anthology of Modern Bohemian Poetry.pdf/36

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Each of them has a God in the heaven above them,
A second, a greater one, here on the earth holds sway;
To the one above they pay in the church their tribute,
And unto the second with tribute and blood they pay.

He, He Who is up on high gives bread that we die not,
To the fish He gave streams, for the butterfly blossoms has shed;
Thou, thou who wert bred and born on the Beskyd mountains,
On thee He bestowed the world that 'neath Lyssa is spread.
He gave thee the mountains, and gave unto thee the forests,
The scents, that out of the meadows already sweep;
With one swoop the second has taken everything from you-—
Hasten to Him Who is there in the church, and weep.

My son from the Beskyds, reverence God and thy masters,
Fair is the fruit that then shall be reckoned as thine;
Out of thy forests the guardian angels have cast thee,
Unto them thou so meekly thyself dost incline.