1. The Present. This lias already been described ; but it may be necessary to menticm, that the present [.^articiple can be used only with reference to present time, not to the past and future, as is the case in English; as, bunkilliu, 'striking' now.
2. The Imperfect -definite., which represents the action as being in ]:)rogress at some definite past period ; as, bunkillikeiin, ' striking,' sc.^ this morning.
3. The Jmperfcct-past-aorist, which represents the action as being in prot^ress at any recent time; as, biinkilliela no a, , he was striking.'
4. The Pasf-present-aorist, which asserts the action as having been engaged in and completed at some former period; as, b \i n- talla bag, wouuai bag ba, 'I struck when I was a child '; w i y a 1 1 a bag w o n n a i-k i 1 o a, w o n n a i bag b a, 'I spoke as a child when I was a child.'
5. The Pluperfect, which indicates the action as having been completed prior to some other past event mentioned; as, biin- killiela t a, ' had struck,' sc, prior to something.
0. The Inceptive-future, which asserts that the action is now about to be pursued; as, biinkilli kolag bag, 'lam going to strike,' or 'I am going a-striking ' ; makoro kolag bug, ' I am going a-fishing.'
7. Fiiture-definil e, which asserts the action as about to be engaged in at some future definite period ; as, b u n k i 1 1 i k i u bag, 'I am going to strike,' &c., to-morrow morning.
8. The Future-aorist, which asserts that the action will exist at some future undefined period ; as, b ii n k i 1 1 i n u n bag, 'I am going to strike,' sc, at some time or other, hereafter.
The Tenses of the verb and their meanings, as given above, may be concisely expressed thus : —
Indicative Mood and Participles.
Tense. Meaxixg.
1. Present tense, I am or do — now.
2. Imperfect-dejinite, I was or was doing — this morning.
3. First-aorint, I was or was doing — recently.
4. Second-aorist, I was or did — at some former period.
5. Perfect-dfflnite. I have been or done — this morning.
G. Pluperfect, I had been or done — before some event.
7. Inceptiv'-juture, I am going to or shall, be or do — now.
JS. F at ure-df finite, I am going to or shall, be or do — to-
morrow morning.
9. Fature-aorist, I am going to or shall, be or do — at
some time hereafter.
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